Elinor Andrén, Thomas Andrén Siliceous microfossil data (diatoms) from the western Gotland Basin, Baltic Sea, covering the last 1200 years Bolin Centre Database 2020 Datafile Marine Ecosystems Diatom stratigraphy Siliceous microfossil Pseudosolenia calcar-avis Eutrophication Phytoplankton seasonality Surface water salinity Baltic Sea Western Gotland Basin Earth science > Biological classification > Protists > Diatoms Elinor Andrén 2020-07-03T16:16:24+00:00 English 1 The dataset contains diatom species data (counts) and siliceous microfossil absolute abundance (concentration) data from 60 stratigraphical levels covering 2017⁠ – ⁠756 CE (~1200 years) from a 233 cm long splice sediment record (core MSM62-1-60). Sediment depth (cm below sea floor) and ages (years CE) are provided. The data are provided in one xlsx spreadsheet file having two data tabs. The same data are also provided as two comma-separated values (csv) text files. Character set: Unicode (UTF-8). ###### Position of corers - long gravity corer: 57° 58.64’ N, 17° 57.37’ E, water depth 218.6 m - short multicorer: 57° 58.73’ N, 17° 57.56’ E, water depth 203 m Elinor Andrén developed the microfossil data. Thomas Andrén developed the age model. For information on age modelling see article by Andrén et al. (2020). The sediment samples were prepared for siliceous microfossil analyses according to the method described in Battarbee (1986) and Battarbee and Kneen (1982). All concentrations are given in number per gram dry weight (No./gdw). The floras used for diatom identification and classification into salinity requirements and life form (pelagic versus benthic) are Cleve-Euler (1951⁠ – ⁠1955), Hasle and Syvertsen (1997), Krammer and Lange-Bertalot (1986⁠ – ⁠1991), Snoeijs et al. (1993⁠ – ⁠1998) and Witkowski et al. (2000), and taxonomic names are updated according to [AlgaeBase]( All references and details of methods can be found in Andrén et al. (2020).