[{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@type":"Dataset","identifier":"https:\/\/doi.org\/10.17043\/cascade-2","@id":"https:\/\/doi.org\/10.17043\/cascade-2","name":"The Circum-Arctic Sediment Carbon Database \u2014 CASCADE","description":"The Circum-Arctic Sediment CArbon DatabasE (CASCADE) was established to curate data on concentrations of organic carbon (OC) and total nitrogen (TN), OC isotopes (\u03b4\u00b9\u00b3C, \u0394\u00b9\u2074C), as well as of terrigenous biomarkers and other sediment geochemical and physical properties of surface sediments and sediment cores in the Arctic Ocean. For surface sediments, this first public version of CASCADE includes more than 4000 oceanographic stations with OC concentrations, 2300 records with TN concentrations, 1500 stations with \u03b4\u00b9\u00b3C ratios, about 270 stations with \u0394\u00b9\u2074C values and over 650 records with quantified terrigenous biomarkers (high molecular weight n-alkanes, n-alkanoic acids and lignin phenols). Over 300 sediment cores complement the dataset of surface sediments across the Arctic Ocean by adding another 10500 observations of OC concentrations, over 4700 TN concentrations and over 2100 \u03b4\u00b9\u00b3C values to CASCADE. \r\n\r\nCASCADE enables synoptic analysis of OC biogeochemical cycling in the Arctic Ocean and facilitates a wide array of future empirical and modelling studies of the Arctic carbon cycle, which is tightly linked to the climate system and vulnerable to climate change. Among others, CASCADE permits studies of OC sources to Arctic Ocean sediments and thus provides insight in land-ocean transport of terrestrial OC from thawing Arctic soils and permafrost systems. \r\n\r\nCASCADE is drawn both from the published literature and from yet unpublished records through an extensive international community collaboration. The database is openly and freely available in this repository and will be managed and continuously updated with newly published and contributed data over the foreseeable future at the Bolin Centre for Climate Research at Stockholm University.","url":"http:\/\/bolin.su.se\/data\/cascade-2","keywords":["Marine","Arctic carbon","CASCADE","Sediment","Carbon","Arctic","Biogeochemical cycles","Climate change","Earth science > Oceans > Ocean chemistry > Biogeochemical cycles"],"creator":{"@type":"Person","name":"Jannik Martens, Evgeny Romankevich, Igor Semiletov, Birgit Wild, Bart van Dongen, Jorien Vonk, Tommaso Tesi, Natalia Shakhova, Oleg V. Dudarev, Denis Kosmach, Alexander Vetrov, Leopold Lobkovsky, Nikolay Belyaev, Robie Macdonald, Anna J. Pie\u0144kowski, Timothy I. Eglinton, Negar Haghipour, Salve Dahle, Michael L. Carroll, Emmelie K.L. \u00c5str\u00f6m, Jacqueline M. Grebmeier, Lee W. Cooper, G\u00f6ran Possnert, \u00d6rjan Gustafsson"},"citation":"Martens J, Romankevich E, Semiletov I, Wild B, van Dongen B, Vonk J, Tesi T, Shakhova N, Dudarev OV, Kosmach D, Vetrov A, Lobkovsky L, Belyaev N, Macdonald RW, Pie\u0144kowski AJ, Eglinton TI, Haghipour N, Dahle S, Carroll ML, \u00c5str\u00f6m EKL, Grebmeier JM, Cooper LW, Possnert G, Gustafsson \u00d6 (2021) CASCADE \u2013 The Circum-Arctic Sediment CArbon DatabasE. Earth Syst Sci Data 13:2561\u2060\u200a\u2013\u200a\u20602572. doi:10.5194\/essd-13-2561-2021","license":"https:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by\/4.0\/","isAccessibleForFree":true,"includedInDataCatalog":{"@type":"DataCatalog","name":"Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm University","identifier":"https:\/\/bolin.su.se\/data\/","url":"https:\/\/bolin.su.se\/data\/"},"distribution":{"@type":"DataDownload","encodingFormat":false,"contentUrl":"https:\/\/bolin.su.se\/data\/"},"size":false,"isBasedOn":"Martens J, Romankevich E, Semiletov I, Wild B, van Dongen B, Vonk J, Tesi T, Shakhova N, Dudarev OV, Kosmach D, Vetrov A, Lobkovsky L, Belyaev N, Macdonald RW, Pie\u0144kowski AJ, Eglinton TI, Haghipour N, Dahle S, Carroll ML, \u00c5str\u00f6m EKL, Grebmeier JM, Cooper LW, Possnert G, Gustafsson \u00d6 (2021) CASCADE \u2013 The Circum-Arctic Sediment CArbon DatabasE. Earth Syst Sci Data 13:2561\u2060\u200a\u2013\u200a\u20602572. doi:10.5194\/essd-13-2561-2021","temporalCoverage":"\/"}]