[{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@type":"Dataset","identifier":"https:\/\/doi.org\/10.17043\/maneas-2020-waterbirds-1","@id":"https:\/\/doi.org\/10.17043\/maneas-2020-waterbirds-1","name":"Waterbirds species distribution in Gialova lagoon, Greece, November 2016\u2060\u200a\u2013\u200a\u2060January 2019","description":"This dataset contains observed waterbirds monthly richness and abundance and other diversity indices (relevant abundance and Shannon-Weaver index) at the different aquatic habitats of the Gialova Lagoon wetland, Messinia, Greece.\r\n\r\nThe data were collected to complement existing information about the site and to evaluate the current status and distribution of waterbirds in the Gialova Lagoon wetland, one of the few remaining important bird area (IBA) wetlands along the southwest coast of Greece. The data were used to to understand which parts of the wetland are mostly used by waterbirds, identify conservation needs and potential management implications, and to re-assess the IBA\/Ramsar criteria and the status of the site, as the last evaluation was in 2001.\r\n\r\nThe data were collected in and around the Gialova lagoon from November 2016\u2060\u200a to January 2019, following a methodology with 13 predetermined observation points with good view. The observations started with the first light spending maximum 30 min at each point, using field equipment consisted of binoculars (10x magnification), a scope (20\u2060\u200a\u2013\u200a\u206060x85) and a digital camera.","url":"http:\/\/bolin.su.se\/data\/maneas-2020-waterbirds-1","keywords":["Lacustrine","Ecosystems","Waterbirds","Species richness","Species abundance","Coastal wetland","Natura 2000","Management suggestions","Conservation needs","Greece","Gialova lagoon","Navarino Environmental Observatory","Earth science > Human dimensions > Environmental impacts > Conservation"],"creator":{"@type":"Person","name":"Giorgos Maneas, Dimitris Bousbouras, Viggo Norrby"},"citation":"Maneas G, Bousbouras D, Norrby V and Berg H (2020) Status and Distribution of Waterbirds in a Natura 2000 Area: The Case of Gialova Lagoon, Messinia, Greece. Front. Ecol. Evol. 8:501548. doi:10.3389\/fevo.2020.501548","license":"https:\/\/opendatacommons.org\/licenses\/by\/","isAccessibleForFree":true,"includedInDataCatalog":{"@type":"DataCatalog","name":"Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm University","identifier":"https:\/\/bolin.su.se\/data\/","url":"https:\/\/bolin.su.se\/data\/"},"distribution":{"@type":"DataDownload","encodingFormat":"text\/plain","contentUrl":"https:\/\/bolin.su.se\/data\/uploads\/maneas-2020.csv"},"size":27881,"isBasedOn":"Maneas G, Bousbouras D, Norrby V and Berg H (2020) Status and Distribution of Waterbirds in a Natura 2000 Area: The Case of Gialova Lagoon, Messinia, Greece. Front. Ecol. Evol. 8:501548. doi:10.3389\/fevo.2020.501548","temporalCoverage":"2016-11-10\/2016-11-10"}]