[{"name":"manzoni-2024-residue-stabilization-1","title":"Particulate and mineral associated organic matter from \u00b9\u00b3C and \u00b9\u2075N residue labelling studies from 2002 to 2024","summary":"The dataset is a collation of published data on residue, dissolved, particulate, and mineral associated organic matter (both carbon and nitrogen). Each data entry represents one sampling time for a given treatment and residue type; in most cases, there are multiple entries for each treatment and residue type (repeated sampling).\r\n\r\nThis data is important to understand the fate of plant and microbial residues in soils, as residues are decomposed and converted into dissolved, particulate and ultimately mineral associated organic matter. This stabilization process is mediated by environmental conditions during the incubation and by soil properties, which are both recorded in the meta-data.\r\n\r\nData was collated from 41 published original studies and\/or published open access datasets; sites are distributed globally. Carbon and nitrogen were tracked in the four soil fractions mostly through \u00b9\u00b3C and \u00b9\u2075N residue labeling.","citations":"Manzoni S. and Cotrufo F., (2024) Mechanisms of soil organic carbon and nitrogen stabilization in mineral associated organic matter \u2013 Insights from modelling in phase space, [Manuscript in preparation].","comments":"Stefano Manzoni collated and harmonized the data from the original sources; Jian Jin, Xinchang Kou, Joanna Ridgeway, Xiaoke Zhang, Francesca Cotrufo contributed unpublished data and provided clarifications on published data.\r\n\r\nIn case of errors or inconsistencies in the collated data, please notify the contact person Stefano Manzoni immediately.\r\n\r\nStefano Manzoni would welcome a notification when the data are used for any research project or publication.","category":"Terrestrial","subcategory":"Soil","keywords":"Particulate organic carbon; Particulate organic nitrogen; Mineral associated organic carbon; Mineral associated organic nitrogen; Dissolved organic carbon; Dissolved organic nitrogen; Residue carbon; Residue nitrogen ","scientist":"Stefano Manzoni, Jian Jin, Xinchang Kou, Joanna Ridgeway, Xiaoke Zhang, Francesca Cotrufo","firstname":"Stefano","lastname":"Manzoni","address":"Department of Physical Geography; Stockholm University","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Land surface > Soils","location":"Geographic Region > Global Land","progress":"","language":"English","project":"This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union\u2019s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (grant agreement no 101001608). ","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"","access":""}]