[{"name":"muchowski-2023-aland-sea-2019-2020-1","title":"Acoustic and in-situ observations of stratified turbulent mixing near rough bathymetry in the Baltic Sea, Feb\u2013\u200aMar 2019 and 2020","summary":"This dataset contains acoustic midwater data from the Aland Sea, collected with a wideband Simrad EK80 sonar (70 kHz center frequency) during two cruises in February and March 2019 and 2020. Additionally, video visualisations of the acoustic midwater data are provided. Co-located with the acoustic broadband observations are in situ data from a free-falling microstructure profiler (MSS) from Sea&Sun Technology, ship Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data that show current velocities in the upper 40 m of the water column and moored ADCPs showing the lower 100 m of the water column.\r\n\r\nMidwater echo sounders permit remote observations of changes in the water column, including turbulence microstructure, thermohaline stratification, and suspended particles, as well as individual fish, fish schools, and zooplankton.\r\n\r\nThe microstructure profiler (MSS) provides oceanographic data from two shear probes (from which energy dissipation rates are inferred), two fast FP07 thermistors as well as conductivity, oxygen, turbidity, and depth.\r\n\r\nData were collected with R\/V Electra.","citations":"Muchowski, J. C., Jakobsson, M., Umlauf, L., Arneborg, L., Gustafsson, B., Holtermann, P., Humborg, C., & Stranne, C. (2023). Observations of strong turbulence and mixing impacting water exchange between two basins in the Baltic Sea. Copernicus GmbH. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.5194\/egusphere-2023-920\r\n","comments":"This dataset is used in Muchowski et al. (2023).","category":"Marine","subcategory":"Observations","keywords":"Turbulent mixing; Diapycnal Mixing; Broadband acoustic observations; R\/V Electra; Microstructure profiler; Simrad EK80; \u00c5land Sea; Baltic Sea; Stratified Overflow","scientist":"Julia C. Muchowski, Christian Stranne, Martin Jakobsson, Lars Arneborg, Lars Umlauf, Peter Holtermann","firstname":"Julia","lastname":"Muchowski","address":"Department of Geological Sciences; Stockholm University\r\n","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Oceans > Ocean acoustics","location":"Ocean > Atlantic Ocean > North Atlantic Ocean > Baltic Sea","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"Observations of stratified mixing in the Aland Sea.\r\n\r\nThis research has been supported by the Baltic Sea Centre at Stockholm University. CS received funding from Stockholm University\u2019s strategic funds for Baltic Sea research, the Swedish Research Council (VR) (grant 2018-04350 and 2022-04081), PH was funded by the German Research Foundation (DPG) (grant HO 5891\/1-1), PH and LU received funding from the Leibniz Association (WGL), FORMOSA project (grant K227\/2019), BG was funded by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (grant no. 1:11 \u2013\r\nMeasures for marine and water environment).","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"","access":""}]