Lukas Rimondini, Thomas Gumbricht, Anders Ahlström, Gustaf Hugelius Maps of peatlands in the forested landscape of Sweden Bolin Centre Database 2023 Datafile Terrestrial Peat Peatland Peatland extent LiDAR Machine learning Soil carbon Earth science > Biosphere > Terrestrial ecosystems > Wetlands > Peatlands Lukas Rimondini 2023-06-02T15:05:23+00:00 English 2 The dataset includes four GeoTIFF (`tif`) files with the following specifications: - File size: 390 – ⁠347 MB - Data type: Byte - EPSG: 3006 - Pixel size: 10×10 m - Width: 65750 - Height: 154000 - Origin: 265000,7672500 - Compression: LZW - Overview images: True Raster values: - 0 = Non-peatland - 1 = Peatland Peatlands (Value=1) are areas with an organic soil horizon >= threshold. The thresholds are 30 cm (`Peat30.tif`), 40 cm (`Peat40.tif`), 50 cm (`Peat50.tif`) and 100 cm (`Peat100.tif`). Depending on peatland definition, testing with a hold-out dataset indicated Accuracy of 0.89 –⁠0.91 and Matthew’s correlation coefficient of 0.79 –⁠0.81. The final maps show a national forest peatland extent of 60,292 – 71,996 km², estimates which are in range with previous studies employing traditional soil maps. #### Version history ##### Version 2 Data files and peatland extent updated and list of creators re-ordered. - Gotland and Öland were removed from the maps, following conclusions drawn in the review of Rimondini et al. (2023). ##### Version 1 Initial release