Stockholm Historical Weather Observations

Publication list

This is a list of Anders Moberg's publications. References to other, in particular older, publications are found primarily in Moberg and Bergström (1997) and Moberg et al. (2002).

  • Moberg A. 1992: Lufttemperaturer i Stockholm 1756-1990. Historik, inhomogeniteter och urbaniseringseffekt. SMHI Rapporter Meteorologi 83, 45 pp.
  • Moberg A. 1995: Meteorologiska observationer i Stockholm och klimatförändringar sedan 1700-talet. In: Kilder for Klimadata i Norden 1860-1993 (Ed: Selsing L). AmS-Varia 24: 45-50
  • Moberg A. 1995: Multi-taper spectral analysis of the Stockholm air temperature record: A significant 22.8-year cyclic pulse observed. Holocene Cycles: Climate, Sea Levels and Sedimentation. Journal of Coastal Research, special issue 17: 39-44
  • Moberg A, Bergström H. 1997: Homogenization of Swedish temperature data. Part III: The long temperature records from Stockholm and Uppsala. Int. J. Climatol. 17: 667-699
  • Moberg A. 1998: Meteorological observations in Sweden made before A.D. 1860. Paläoklimaforschung/Palaeoclimate Research 23: 99-119
  • Beckman O, Moberg A, 2000: The Celsius thermometer. Weather 55: 392-394
  • Moberg A. 2000: Daily temperatures in Stockholm 1761-1850. In: Giuseppe Toaldo e il suo tempo. Nel bicentario della morte. Scienze e lumi tra Veneto e Europa. (Eds: Pigatto L, Casini P). Atti del Convegno. Padova, 10-13 Novembre 1997, Centro per la Storia dell Universitá di Padova, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova: 943-958
  • Yan Z, Jones PD, Moberg A, Bergström H, Davies TD, Yang C. 2001: Recent trends in weather and seasonal cycles: An analysis of daily data from Europe and China, J. Geophys. Res. 106, D6: 5123-5138
  • Bergström H, Moberg A. 2002: Daily air temperature and pressure series for Uppsala (1722-1998). Climatic Change 53: 213-252
  • Datsenko NM, Moberg A, Sonechkin DM. 2002: Objective time-scale-dependent homogenization of early instrumental temperature series. Theor. Appl. Climatol. 72: 103-126
  • Jones PD, Briffa KR, Osborn TJ, Moberg A, Bergström H. 2002: Relationships between circulation strength and the variability of growing season and cold season climate in northern and central Europe. Holocene 12: 643-656
  • Moberg A, Bergström H, Ruiz Krigsman J, Svanered O. 2002: Daily air temperature and pressure series for Stockholm (1756-1998). Climatic Change 53: 171-212
  • Moberg A, Bergström H, Ruiz Krigsman J, Svanered O. 2002: Erratum. Climatic Change 54: 249-250
  • Yan Z, Jones PD, Davies TD, Moberg A, Bergström H, Camuffo D, Cocheo C, Maugeri M, Demaree G, Verhoeve T, Barriendos M, Rodriguez R, Martin-Vide J, Yang C. 2002: Trends in extreme temperatures in Europe and China based on daily observations, Climatic Change 53: 355-392
  • Moberg A, Alexandersson H, Bergström H, Jones PD. 2003: Were Southern Swedish summer temperatures before 1860 as warm as measured? Int. J. Climatol. 23: 1495-1521
  • Moberg A, Tuomenvirta H, Nordli Ø. 2005: Recent climatic trends. In: Physical Geography of Fennoscandia. (Ed: Seppälä M). Oxford Regional Environments Series, Oxford University Press, Oxford: 113-133
  • Leijonhufvud L, Wilson R, Moberg A, 2008: Documentary data provide evidence of Stockholm average winter to spring temperatures in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Holocene 18: 333-343
  • Moberg A, Söderberg J, Leijonhufvud L, Retsö D, Söderlind U. 2008: 500 års väder i Stockholm. Forskning och Framsteg 5, Juli-Aug 2008, 12-17
  • Leijonhufvud L, Wilson R, Moberg A, Söderberg J, Retsö D, Söderlind U. 2010: Five centuries of Stockholm winter/spring temperatures reconstructed from documentary evidence and instrumental observations. Climatic Change 101: 109-141