16 datasets found
Profiles of ozone concentration were measured by a Vaisala add-on ozone sonde, for a few of the radiosoundings launched from the helipad of the Icebreaker Oden.
Profiles of radioactivity were measured by a Vaisala add-on radioactivity sonde for a few of the radiosoundings, measuring Geiger–Müller tube count rates...
The Icebreaker Oden's weather station was mostly located on the 7th deck about 27 m above sea level, on top of the bridge. Sensors were distributed over the...
Radiosoundings were launched every six hours (00, 06, 12 & 18UTC), and additionally before each helicopter flight (if not at one of the normal times), using...
In-situ boundary-layer meteorological observations were made from the ice using sensors hanging under a tethered balloon which was quasi-continuously winched...
Visibility data was collected using a Vaisala visibility sensor based on forward scattered laser light deployed on the aft starboard side on the 7th deck of...
The WeatherPak station is an integrated unit mounted approximately mid-ship on the forward railing on the Icebreaker Oden's 7th deck about 27 m above sea...
Wind profile data was obtained by sound detection and ranging (SODAR) which transmit audible sound pulses at several wave lengths. Using the Doppler shift of...
Wind profiler consensus data was obtained using a Doppler radar wind profilers transmitting at 449MHz. Using the Doppler shift of the return signals and...
Wind profiler moment data was obtained using a Doppler radar wind profilers transmitting at 449MHz. Using the Doppler shift of the return signals and algebra,...