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31 datasets found



Absorption coefficient for urban background air, Stockholm, December 2018

The dataset includes three parallel absorption coefficient measurements by two different types of instruments: one Multi-Angle Absorption Photometer (MAAP) and...

Aerosol optical properties from ten earth system models for the year 2010

This dataset presents the time series of modeled aerosol optical properties (light absorption and extinction) from ten earth system models. The dataset...

Air pollution status and sources of black carbon aerosols in Nairobi, Kenya

The dataset includes year-round concentration of PM2.5 fine particles and its constituents, together with radio-carbon (Δ¹⁴C) signatures of black carbon...

Chemical composition of aerosol particles at Mt. Åreskutan, Sweden

The chemical composition of atmospheric particulate matter at Mt. Åreskutan, a mountaintop site in central Sweden, was analysed with a focus on its...

Concentration and carbon isotope data of elemental carbon aerosols, Abisko, Sweden, September 2011 to March 2013

Data of high-volume PM2.5 and TSP aerosol samples, measured in Abisko, northern Sweden. The data cover 18 months of consecutive sampling. Sampling duration is...

Light absorbing aerosol along with air mass history measured at the Zeppelin observatory in Svalbard

The dataset includes a harmonised 22-year long time series (2002 – 2023) of light-absorbing aerosol atmospheric particles. In support of the harmonised...

Physical and chemical properties of aerosol particles and cloud residuals on Mt. Åreskutan in Central Sweden during summer 2014

The size distribution, volatility and hygroscopicity of ambient aerosols and cloud residuals were measured with a differential mobility particle sizer (DMPS)...

Profiles of aerosol optical properties measured during CAESAR 2014 at Åre, Sweden

This dataset provides profile measurements of aerosol optical properties (aerosol backscatter and extinction coefficient) using Raman lidar technique. The...

Size-resolved absorption coefficient of ambient aerosol at Stockholm University, January to February 2019

The data describe the absorption coefficient of ambient aerosol at Stockholm University over a size range. Therefore a Multi-Angle Absorption Photometer (MAAP)...

The fog and aerosol interaction research Italy (FAIRARI) campaign, November 2021 to May 2022

The Po Valley in Italy ranks among the most polluted regions in Europe. During winter, meteorological conditions often lead to prolonged and dense fog, which...

Weather observations

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations

Weather observations have been made continuously at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1754. This is one of the world's longest records of...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Air pressure

Data for air pressure at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1756 are provided. Over time, different barometers have been used and measurements...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Air temperature

Data for air temperatures at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1756 are provided. The data are available both with, and without, adjustments...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Barometer observations in original units since 1756

Weather observations have been made continuously at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1754. The dataset provided here contains individual...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Daily mean air temperatures since 1756

Data for daily mean air temperatures at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1756 are provided. Three variants of the data are available: (i)...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Maximum snow depth each winter since 1904/05

This dataset contains observed maximum snow depth in each winter from the winter season 1904/05 through 2018/19 at the old astronomical observatory in...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Monthly mean air temperatures since 1756

Data for monthly mean air temperatures at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm from 1756 until 2020 are provided. The dataset also contains annual...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Observation times since 1756

This dataset provides information about the time points when weather observations were made each day (morning, noon, evening) during 1756⁠⁠ – 2018 at...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Sub-daily cloud amount since 1756

Weather observations have been made continuously at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1754. The dataset provided here contains estimated...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Sub-daily sea level pressure since 1756

Data for sub-daily sea level pressure (SLP) at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm are provided for the period 1756⁠ – 2012. Three SLP...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Thermometer observations since 1756

Weather observations have been made continuously at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1754. The dataset provided here contains individual air...






ACSE Absorption Absorption coefficient Aerosol optical properties Aerosol-fog-interaction Aerosols Air mass history Air pollution Air pressure Air temperature Alpine Anthropogenic aerosol Arctic Arctic Arctic Ocean Atmospheric chemistry Automated weather station BC Backscatter Barometer Black carbon Carbonaceous aerosol Chemical composition Chukchi Sea Climate Climate scenarios Cloud amount Cloud residual Clouds Combustion Cyclone tracks Cyclones DMPS Daily data Data visualisation ERA5 Early instrumental data Earth system models East Siberian Sea Elemental carbon Extinction FAIRARI Field measurements Fog Girjas Global coverage Growing season degreee days HYSPLIT High Arctic Historical Homogenized data Hygroscopicity Instrumental temperature data Italy Kara Sea Kebnekaise Land use change impacts Laptev Sea Lidar Light-absorbing Lihtti MAAP MCC MSLP data Maximum temperature Mean temperature Meteorology Mid-latitude Minimum temperature Moisture tracking Monthly data Monthly maximum temperature Monthly mean air temperature Monthly minimum temperature Mt. Åreskutan Multi-centre cyclones Nairobi Oden Optical properties PM2.5 PSAP Precipitationsheds Profiles RCP Radiocarbon Radiosonde Reanalysis Reconstruction Regional climate models Relative humidity SWERUS-C3 Short wave radiation Snow Snow depth Soot Spherical grid Stockholm Sub-Saharan Africa Surface energy budget Sweden Tarfala Tarfala Research Station Temperature Topology Traffic Turbulence Urban background Volatility Weather Weather observations Wetland basins Wind direction Wind speed