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31 datasets found



Aerosol particle type fractions from the Arctic Ocean 2018 marine aerosol reference tank experiments

This dataset includes the number fractions of aerosol particles assigned to three particle types from the marine aerosol reference tank (MART) experiments...

Cloud droplet residual and aerosol measurements from the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

The dataset includes cloud droplet residual and whole-air aerosol particle number size distributions from the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition, for a selected set...

Cloud water samples obtained in summertime during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

This dataset contains results from analyses of chemical composition for elevated clouds in the pristine high Arctic, obtained with a miniaturised cloud water...

Distribution of organics in aerosol particles from the Arctic Ocean 2018 marine aerosol reference tank experiments

This dataset includes a summary of the organic compounds (detected using Raman microspectroscopy) in sea spray aerosol particles. The sea spray aerosol...

Ice-nucleating particle measurements collected during the Arctic Ocean 2018 marine aerosol reference tank experiments

Size segregated samples were collected from the marine aerosol reference tank (MART) headspace using a cascade impactor for offline analysis of their...

Representative Raman spectra of aerosol particles from the Arctic Ocean 2018 marine aerosol reference tank experiments

This dataset includes Raman spectra of the three representative particle types identified in sea spray aerosol particles generated during the marine aerosol...

Sea salt aerosol elemental mole ratios from the Arctic Ocean 2018 marine aerosol reference tank experiments

This dataset includes the mean and 95% confidence intervals for the mole ratios C/Na, Cl/Na, S/Na, N/Na, Mg/Na, Ca/Na measured from individual submicron and...

Vertical stratification of submicrometer aerosol particles measured during the high-Arctic ASCOS expedition 2008

The atmospheric thermodynamic structure and aerosol particle concentrations, in several size ranges, across a multitude of surface conditions over the Arctic...


Cloudnet remote sensing retrievals of cloud properties during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

This dataset consists of a range of output products from the Cloudnet algorithm. Cloudnet combines cloud radar, ceilometer, microwave radiometer, and...

Cloudnet remote sensing retrievals of cloud properties from the SWERUS-C3 Arctic Ocean expedition in 2014

This dataset consists of a range of output products from the Cloudnet algorithm. Cloudnet combines cloud radar, ceilometer, microwave radiometer, and...

Data from a modelling study of a two-layer boundary-layer cloud system from the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

This dataset presents the model output from the large-eddy simulation (LES) model. The LES was employed to simulate a two-layer boundary-layer cloud structure...

Dual-channel microwave radiometer measurements from the high-Arctic ASCOS expedition 2008

Vertically integrated water vapor (PWV) and cloud liquid water (LWP) was measured using a microwave radiometer, simultaneously observing the microwave...

Meteorological observations during the SWERUS-C3 Arctic Ocean expedition 2014 and colocated regional climate model output

Observations of the atmospheric thermodynamic structure, wind profiles and surface energy budget components from the Eastern Arctic Ocean in July through early...

Multi-sensor cloud microphysics product from the high-Arctic ASCOS expedition 2008

This data set includes retrievals of cloud type, characteristic particle size, and condensed water content for both liquid and ice hydrometeors. These...



