6 datasets found
This dataset consists of diatom species counts and total diatom concentrations from seven sediment cores taken from seven lake basins located in the...
Complete multi-proxy data set for cores #1 to cores #6 from Hässeldala Port, southern Sweden (63 m a.s.l.) including: Lithostratigraphy, geochemistry, tephra,...
Lithostratigraphy, radiocarbon dates, pollen counts, percentages and concentrations for the lacustrine sediment sequence of Lake Pastorskoye, Karelian Isthmus,...
Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetic measurements, loss-on-ignition and radiocarbon dates for the lacustrine sediment sequence of the ancient Lake Steregoiu in...
Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetic measurements, loss-on-ignition, and radiocarbon dates for the lacustrine sediment sequence of the ancient Lake Preluca...
This data set contains proxy data from a paleoenvironment reconstruction study covering the last 7700 years in southern Mozambique, derived from fossil...