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32 datasets found



Data from expedition AGAVE, Arctic Ocean, 2007

The AGAVE (Arctic Gakkel Vents) expedition was carried out during summer 2007 in the central Artic Ocean with a main focus on mapping and sampling the Gakkel...

Data from expedition Arctic Ocean, 2016

The Arctic Ocean 2016 expedition was carried out during summer 2016 in the Arctic Ocean, mainly in the Amundsen Basin and in areas around the underwater...

Data from expedition Arctic Ocean, 2018

The Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition was carried out during summer 2018 in the central Arctic Ocean. With the Swedish icebreaker Oden serving as the research...

Data from expedition ASCOS, Arctic Ocean, 2008

The ASCOS (Arctic Summer Cloud Ocean Study) expedition was carried out during summer 2008 in high-latitude areas in the Arctic Ocean. With the Swedish...

Data from expedition EAGER, Arctic Ocean, 2011

The EAGER (East Greenland Ridge) expedition was carried out during summer 2011 in Arctic Ocean waters off Northeast Greenland. With the Swedish icebreaker...

Data from expedition LOMROG, Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean, 2007

The LOMROG (Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland) 2007 expedition was carried out during summer of 2007. The expedition worked in the central Arctic Ocean over...

Data from expedition OSO, Southern Ocean, 2007⁠ – ⁠2008

The Oden Southern Ocean (OSO) 2007/08 expedition was carried out during austral summer 2007/08 in Southern Ocean waters off West Antarctica. With the...

Data from expedition OSO, Southern Ocean, 2010⁠ – ⁠2011

The OSO (Oden Southern Ocean) 2010/11 expedition was carried out during austral summer 2010/11 in Southern Ocean waters off West Antarctica. With the...

Data from expedition Ryder, off North Greenland, 2019

The Ryder 2019 Expedition was carried out during summer 2019 in the Arctic Ocean off Northwest Greenland. The main target was Sherard Osborn Fjord where Ryder...

Data from expedition SAS, Arctic Ocean, 2021

The Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) 2021 expedition was carried out during summer 2021 in the Arctic Ocean, covering a large area including parts of Amundsen...

Data from expedition SWERUS-C3, Arctic Ocean, 2014

The SWERUS-C3 (Swedish – Russian – US Arctic Ocean Investigation of Climate-Cryosphere-Carbon Interactions) expedition was carried out during the summer of...

General metadata from expedition SAS, Arctic Ocean, 2021

The Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) 2021 expedition was carried out during summer 2021 in the Arctic Ocean, covering a large area including parts of the Amundsen...

Oden data repository

Collection of data acquired at the Swedish icebreaker Oden during 19 expeditions held between 2007 and 2021, of which 16 went to the Arctic Ocean and 3 to the...

Marine chemistry

Chemical data of depth profiles of stations in international water collected during the SWERUS-C3 Arctic expedition

Depth profiles of data from water samples collected by a rosette-CTD system in international waters during the second leg of the expedition SWERUS-C3. Noted...

Dissolved nutrient concentrations from the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

Dissolved nutrient concentrations (nitrite, nitrate, ammonium, phosphate and silicate) of water samples collected via CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth)...

Nitrous oxide data collected in the Siberian Arctic Ocean in summer 2014 and autumn 2020

This dataset includes observational data related to nitrous oxide (N₂O) in the Kara, Laptev and East Siberian Sea, generated during the ISSS-2020 expedition...

Porewater nutrients from sediments collected during the SWERUS-C3 expedition 2014 on the East Siberian shelf and slope

This dataset contains the major nutrients ammonium, dissolved silica, dissolved inorganic phosphate collected from the porewaters of sediment from 16 stations...

Seawater carbonate chemistry from CTD bottle samples during the Ryder 2019 expedition

Depth profiles of seawater pH and total alkalinity (TA) from water samples collected during the Ryder 2019 Expedition from coastal waters along northwestern...

Seawater dimethyl sulfide and dimethylsulfoniopropionate data from the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

Discrete water-column dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) measurements collected aboard icebreaker Oden during the Arctic Ocean 2018...

Surface water data collected for the Arctic Ocean 2018 marine aerosol reference tank experiments

This dataset includes measurements of water temperature, salinity, chlorophyll a, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), particulate...

Underway measurements of seawater pH and total alkalinity from the Ryder 2019 expedition

Continuous, underway measurements of seawater pH and total alkalinity (TA) were collected from the surface seawater intake system on board the Swedish...






AO18 AO2018 ASCOS Aerosol Aerosols Arctic Ocean Arctic boundary layer Arctic carbon Arctic clouds Arctic shelves Bathymetry Biogenic aerosols Biogeochemistry Biology Biomarker Biomarkers Bubble CTD Carbon Carbon cycle Carbon isotope Carbon system Carbonate system Central Arctic Ocean Chemistry Climate change feedback Clouds Coastal erosion Communities Compound-specific radiocarbon Deglaciation Degradation rates Dissolved ammonium Dissolved iron Dissolved phosphate Dissolved silica East Siberian Arctic Sea Ecosystem Fish Food web Gas phase Geophysics Glaciers Glaciology Greenland HMW plant-wax lipids High Arctic Hydrography ISSS-08 ISSS-2020 Ice-covered Ice-floe drift station Icebreaker Oden Isotopes Itrax XRF Langrangian study Laptev Sea Lignin MOCCHA Marine Geology Marine aerosol reference tank Marine geology Marine sediment Meteorology Methane Microbiology Micrometeorology Multibeam Nitrate Nitrogen Nutrients Ocean Ocean biology Ocean biology and chemistry Ocean chemistry Ocean turbulence Oceanography Organic carbon Past carbon cycling Pelagic Permafrost Phosphate Phytoplankton community Phytoplankton pigments Porewater Radiation Radiocarbon Radiosoundings Ryder 2019 expedition SAS 2021 expedition SWERUS-C3 SWERUS-C3 expedition Salinity Seafloor morphology Sediment Sediment cores Sediment geochemistry Sediment transport Sediments Siberian shelf Southern Ocean Squid Sulfur biogeochemistry Swerus-C3 Sympagic Temperature Trace gas Trajectories Turbulent fluxes Underway Vertical profiles Weather observations Weather station Zooplankton