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31 datasets found



Annual distribution and behavior of supraglacial lakes on Ryder Glacier, Northern Greenland, 1985⁠ – ⁠2020

The annual distribution of supraglacial lakes on Ryder Glacier, Northern Greenland, was mapped for the peak of each year´s melt season (July and August) over...

Elevation of the ice-covered southern peak, Sydtoppen, of the Kebnekaise massif, Northern Sweden

This dataset provides annual elevation values for the ice-covered southern peak of the Kebnekaise massif from 1951 until 2024. Kebnekaise is the highest...

Geodetic mass balance data for Mårmaglaciären, northern Sweden, 1959⁠ – ⁠2021

Geodetic mass balance estimates of Mårmaglaciären between 1959, 1978, 1991, 2008, 2016 and 2021. The glacier is located in the Mårma massif, in northern...

Glacier surface mass balance for Moarhmmáglaciären, Northern Sweden

This dataset contains the annual surface mass balance for Moarhmmáglaciären, also referred to as Mårmaglaciären, obtained from the direct glaciological...

Glacier surface mass balance for Rabots glaciär, Northern Sweden

This dataset contains the annual surface mass balance for Rabots Glaciär, obtained from the direct glaciological method, since 1982 and updated...

Glacier surface mass balance for Rivgojiehkki, Northern Sweden

This dataset contains the annual surface mass balance for Rivgojiehkki, also referred to as Riukojietna, obtained from the direct glaciological method, since...

Glacier surface mass balance for Storglaciären, Northern Sweden

This dataset contains the annual surface mass balance for Storglaciären, obtained from the direct glaciological method, since 1946 and updated...






Accumulation rate Active layer dynamics Aerial image Age model Agroforestry Alpine An Giang Aquatic biota Archetypes Arctic Area Bats Body size Boreal peatland Bulk density CO₂ reconstruction Carbon Carbon isotope Carbon storage efficiency Carbon to nitrogen ratio Carbon use efficiency Carbon-use efficiency Change Change driver Climate Climate change Climate indicator Climate indicator plant species Climate model simulation Climate proxy data Climate reconstruction Climate sensitivity Core drilling Crania Cryology Cumulative mass balance DEM Drought Drying and rewetting ERA5 data Earth science Ecological engineering Ecological stoichiometry Ecosystem services Elemental concentration Elevation FTIR FTIR-ATR Fennoscandia Flow pathways Flow-path Forest Forest understory Fossil leaves Functional traits GCM and emission scenarios Geochemistry Geodetic Glacier Glacier surface mass balance Global crop production Grain size Greenland Greenland Ice Sheet Holocene Humidity Hydroclimate Hydrology Intensification Interactions Islay Isotopes Jimma Kebnekaise Landscape change Large-scale Late Glacial Lateglacial Lesotho LiDAR Machine learning Mass balance Microbial biomass carbon Microbial growth Microclimate Micrometeorology Miocene Climatic Optimum Moarhmmáglaciären Model-data comparison Morphology Multi-proxy Museum specimens Mårma Mårmaglaciären Nitrogen Northern Hemisphere Northern circumpolar permafrost area Northern circumpolar permafrost region Numerical modelling Nutrient limitation Oxygen isotope PAGES 2k Paleoclimate reconstruction Paleoecology Peat Peat parameters Peat properties Peatland Peatland extent Peatland vegetation Permafrost Permafrost hydrogeology Phosphorus Plant carbon Plant macrofossils Pollen Precipitation Predictions Primary productivity PrimeSCale model Priming effect Rabots glaciär Reference glaciers Respiration Respiration rates Rhizosphere priming Rice Riukojietna Rivgojiehkki Root distribution Russian Sub-Arctic Ryder Glacier Scandinavia Scotland Sea level Sediment Sediment carbon Soil Soil carbon Soil nutrients Soil organic carbon Soil properties Southwestern Ethiopia Sphagnum mosses Stable isotopes Statistical downscaling Stomatal proxy Storglaciären Storminess Sub-arctic Summer temperature Supraglacial lake drainage Supraglacial lakes Sustainable intensification of agriculture Sweden Tarfala Tarfala Research Station Temperature Temperature proxy Terrestial biota Terrestrial Topoclimate Total nitrogen Travel times Tree rings Volume Water harvesting Water management Weather Wetland ecosystems Wings XRD XRF iButton