13 datasets found
Peat properties from an ombrotrophic bog (Store Mosse bog) located in south-central Sweden. The data include peat bulk density analysis, peat accumulation...
This dataset comprises peat parameters (bulk density, age, accumulation rates, ash content) and elemental concentration and grain size data from a peat...
The dataset provides a compilation of published and unpublished plant micro- and macrofossils from 15 sites across Denmark and southern Sweden. The...
This dataset provides a list of 62 different climate indicator plant species together with their minimum July temperature requirements. For each plant...
An April to September temperature reconstruction for the period AD 1107–2007 based on tree-ring maximum density (MXD) from Jämtland in central Sweden.
A temperature reconstruction for the period AD 500–2004 based on tree-ring maximum density (MXD) at Tornetrask in northern Sweden.
An annual temperature reconstruction, in degrees centigrade, produced from a 638 year long Himalayan spruce chronology. The chronology is a composite...