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32 datasets found



Aerosol particle number size distribution data collected during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

Aerosol particle number size distributions in the size range 10⁠ – 921 nm were measured with a custom built differential mobility particle sizer (DMPS)...

Chemical composition of semi-volatile aerosol collected during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

This data set contains molecular-level chemical composition of the semi-volatile fraction (evaporating at ≤ 200 °C) of aerosol particles collected onto...

Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentration during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

Measurements of cloud condensation nuclei concentrations in the whole-air sampling inlet (WAI) and the cloud residuals inlet (CVI), using two Cloud...

Concentration of particles larger than 2.5 nm collected during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

The concentration of particles larger than 2.5 nm was measured with an ultrafine condensation particle counter (UCPC). The concentration was corrected for...

Frequent new particle formation over the high Arctic pack ice by enhanced iodine emissions, ancillary data

This dataset contains a collection of ancillary data that were used for the publication Frequent new particle formation over the high Arctic pack ice by...

Mask to identify polluted periods during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

Aerosol and trace gas measurements are strongly affected by the ship exhaust and other human activities (e.g., helicopter flights). Therefore, it is important...

Size distribution of aerosol particles between 2.5 and 920 nm measured during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

The aerosol size distribution was obtained combining measurements from a neutral and air ion spectrometer (NAIS) with a differential mobility particle sizer...

Size distribution of interstitial and total particles between 18 and 660 nm collected during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

The aerosol size distribution was measured with a custom made scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), range 18⁠ – ⁠660 nm. Aerosols are important...

Size distribution of neutral and charged particles smaller than 42 nm collected during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

The size distribution of neutral and charged particles was measured using a neutral cluster and air ion spectrometer (NAIS) instrument. The concentration was...

Submicron aerosol methanesulfonate, iodide, iodate and sulfate data from the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

This dataset contains concentrations (micrograms per meter cubed of air) of anions detected in submicron aerosols collected onboard icebreaker Oden during the...

Ultrafine particle concentration measured during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

The ultrafine particle (UFP) concentration is the concentration of particles having a diameter between 2.5 and 15 nm, it is reported in terms of particle...



Leaflet | Map data from Gebco




AO2018 Atmospheric Science ACAS ACSE AO16 AO18 AO2016 AO2018 APi-TOF ASCOS Aerosol Aerosol Science Aerosol chemical composition Aerosol chemical properties Aerosol chemistry Aerosol composition Aerosol physical properties Aerosol science Aerosol size distribution Aerosol-Cloud-Interaction Aerosol-Cloud-Interaction 2018 Aerosols Air-sea interaction Arctic Arctic Ocean Arctic Ocean 2016 Arctic Ocean 2018 Arctic boundary layer Arctic clouds Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Atmospheric Physics Atmospheric Science Atmospheric chemistry Atmospheric gas phase data Atmospheric science Backscatter profile Biogenic aerosols Boundary layer Bubble CCN CCNC CPC3776 Chemical ionization mass spectrometry Chukchi Sea Cloud Cloud fraction Cloud-base height Clouds Clouds Aerosol Science Condensation sink East Siberian Sea Eddy covariance FIGAERO-CIMS Fine aerosol Fog High Arctic Icebreaker Oden Iodic acid Ion induced nucleation Ions Kara Sea LES Laptev Sea MOCCHA Meteorology Methanesulfonic acid Microbiology-Ocean-Cloud Coupling in the High Arctic Microbiology-Ocean-Cloud-Coupling in the High Arctic Micrometeorological data Microphysics Mixed-phase stratocumulus NAIS Neutral cluster and air ion spectrometer New particle formation North Pole Ocean Oceanography Oden Ozone Particle size distribution Pollution record Precipitation intensity Precipitation type Radiation Radiosonde Radiosoundings Regional climate models SMPS SWERUS-C3 Salinity Scanning mobility particle sizer Ship log and weather station Sulfuric acid Surface energy budget Temperature Trace gas Tropospheric chemistry Turbulence Turbulent fluxes UCPC Ultrafine condensation particle counter Ultrafine particles Vertical profiles Visibility Weather station