31 datasets found
This dataset includes the number fractions of aerosol particles assigned to three particle types from the marine aerosol reference tank (MART) experiments...
This dataset includes a summary of the organic compounds (detected using Raman microspectroscopy) in sea spray aerosol particles. The sea spray aerosol...
The dataset includes a harmonised 22-year long time series (2002 – 2023) of light-absorbing aerosol atmospheric particles. In support of the harmonised...
This dataset includes Raman spectra of the three representative particle types identified in sea spray aerosol particles generated during the marine aerosol...
This dataset contains monthly mean air temperatures from Tarfala Research Station, acquired since 1965 and updated annually. For the years 1946 – 1964,...
This dataset contains monthly mean air temperatures from Tarfala Research Station, acquired since 1965 and updated annually. Tarfala Research Station (TRS),...
Emitted bubble, methane (CH₄) and carbon dioxide (CO₂) at water surface were measured by an automatic bubble counter (ABC) equipped with a pressure sensor...
This dataset provides measurements of the bubble flux of methane (CH₄), a strong climate forcing trace gas, to the atmosphere from three subarctic lakes...
This dataset provides concentration measurements of dissolved methane (CH₄), a strong climate forcing trace gas, in the water column of three subarctic lakes...
This dataset provides measurements of the diffusive flux of methane (CH₄), a strong climate forcing trace gas, to the atmosphere from three subarctic lakes...
Water temperature measurements in three small post-glacial subarctic lakes (Inre Harrsjön, Mellersta Harrsjön, Villasjön) surrounding the Stordalen Mire, 9...
This dataset provides measurements of water temperature recorded in the glacier-proximal arctic-alpine Lake Tarfala in the Kebnekaise Mountains, Northern...
Multibeam bathymetry from areas in the central Artic Ocean with a main focus on the Gakkel Ridge. High-resolution bathymetry data are commonly used to...
Multibeam bathymetry from areas in the East Siberian Arctic Ocean and adjacent deep waters off the continental shelf. More specifically, mapped areas include...
The SWERUS-C3 (Swedish – Russian – US Arctic Ocean Investigation of Climate-Cryosphere-Carbon Interactions) expedition was carried out during the summer of...
The Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) 2021 expedition was carried out during summer 2021 in the Arctic Ocean, covering a large area including parts of the Amundsen...
Hydrographic (CTD) profiles of Temperature, Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen, Chlorophyll A fluorescence and Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) collected in...
Discrete bottle values of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll A fluorescence and coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) collected in the...
This monitoring dataset contains information on ground temperature and thaw depth, and meteorological parameters (air temperature, summer precipitation and...
This dataset contains information on ground temperature, late season thaw depth and snow depth variability within a permafrost peatland in northern Sweden. The...
The dataset contains litter decomposition rates using 3 litter bags collections and their covariate environmental data. We measured in-situ decomposition of...
The dataset provides a compilation of published and unpublished plant micro- and macrofossils from 15 sites across Denmark and southern Sweden. The...
This dataset provides a list of 62 different climate indicator plant species together with their minimum July temperature requirements. For each plant...