35 datasets found
This dataset consists of diatom species counts and total diatom concentrations from seven sediment cores taken from seven lake basins located in the...
Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetics, radiocarbon dates, diatom counts, pollen counts, percentages and concentrations for the lacustrine sediment sequence of...
Complete multi-proxy data set for cores #1 to cores #6 from Hässeldala Port, southern Sweden (63 m a.s.l.) including: Lithostratigraphy, geochemistry, tephra,...
Lithostratigraphy, tephra, geochemistry, biomarkers, hydrogen isotopes, radiocarbon dates, age model, chironomid counts and percentages, pollen counts and...
Lithostratigraphy, radiocarbon dates, pollen counts, percentages and concentrations for the lacustrine sediment sequence of Lake Pastorskoye, Karelian Isthmus,...
Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetic measurements, loss-on-ignition and radiocarbon dates for the lacustrine sediment sequence of the ancient Lake Steregoiu in...
Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetic measurements, loss-on-ignition, and radiocarbon dates for the lacustrine sediment sequence of the ancient Lake Preluca...
Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetic measurements, geochemistry, grain size, pollen, together with radiocarbon dates for the lacustrine sediment and peat bog...
¹⁴C dates, OSL dates, mineral magnetic, grain size, geochemistry, pollen and diatom data for the lacustrine sediment sequence of Les Échets in France...
Lithostratigraphy, radiocarbon dates, age model, geochemistry, biogenic silica, major elements, biomarkers of a peat sequence from Lake Pa Kho in northern...
The sediments from Lake Pa Kho in northern Thailand constitute a unique climatic archive since they allow recording climate and environmental changes between...
The dataset contains bulk geochemical data (TOC, TN, bulk δ¹³C and δ¹⁵N), leaf wax concentrations and their hydrogen isotope composition, from the...
This data set contains proxy data from a paleoenvironment reconstruction study covering the last 7700 years in southern Mozambique, derived from fossil...
Data from a sediment core from Nong Thale Prong, Southern Thailand, including radiocarbon data, plant macrofossil and charcoal data, bulk geochemistry, leaf...
This dataset contains isotopic (¹³C and ¹⁴C) and molecular biomarker data (lignin phenols, n-alkanes, n-alkanoic acids) of organic carbon in surface...
This dataset is part of the Circum-Arctic Sediment Carbon Database (CASCADE) and contains data for sediment cores across the Arctic Ocean, which are divided...
The Circum-Arctic Sediment CArbon DatabasE (CASCADE) was established to curate data on concentrations of organic carbon (OC) and total nitrogen (TN), OC...
Age model and sedimentological data for a marine sediment core collected on the Lomonosov Ridge adjoining the East Siberian shelf, Arctic Ocean. The dataset...
The data comprise coarse fraction concentrations, carbonate content and carbon and oxygen stable isotopes (δ¹³C and δ¹⁸O) of deep-sea sediment samples...
The data consist of carbonate content and carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition of bulk sediment samples deposited since the late Miocene (~7 Ma) at the...
This data set involves geochemical paleoceanographic proxy records from a borehole drilled in the Nanggulan region of central Java, Indonesia, and includes...
Summary of published data used to calculate marine heat flow at sediment coring stations on SWERUS-C3-L2 in 2014. The data file includes A.) Summary table of...
Data from sediment core SWERUS-L2-2-PC1. The core was collected during the SWERUS-C3 expedition with icebreaker Oden 2014. Core length: 8.2 m. Coring site:...
Data from sediment core SWERUS-L2-4-PC1. The core was collected during the SWERUS-C3 expedition with icebreaker Oden 2014. Core length: 6.1 m. Coring site:...
Sediment core data from four sites in the East Siberian Sea, Arctic Ocean. The cores were collected during the SWERUS-C3 expedition with icebreaker Oden 2014....
Benthic and planktic foraminifera oxygen and carbon stable isotope measurements from four North Atlantic deep sea drill sites from the late Eocene to early...
Data comprise bulk and fine fraction C and O stable isotopes, carbonate content, coarse fraction content, age and depths of samples from IODP Site U1338 and...
This dataset includes sea-ice related biomarkers and the amount of total organic carbon from 15 surface sediment samples and two gravity cores collected during...
Varve thickness data from legacy and newly-acquired annually-laminated sediment archives in varve years on the local Skåne-Småland timescale, along with the...
This dataset summarises legacy varve records for 22 sites from the area between 56.8° – 57.1° N, 16.1° – 16.5° E, on Sweden's east...
We present a multi-proxy geochemical dataset as well as pollen and age model data for a sedimentary sequence from a well-stratified infill occupying a lower...
This dataset contains results from extractions of distal tephra (far-travelled volcanic ash) and from major-element geochemistry analyses of what was...