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35 datasets found



A comprehensive characterisation of natural aerosol source samples from expedition ARTofMELT, Arctic Ocean, 2023

Data from natural aerosol source characterization experiments carried out during the expedition ARTofMELT (Atmospheric Rivers and the Onset of Arctic Melt)...

Aerosol and droplet size distributions and concentrations measured during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

Aerosol and droplet size distributions and concentrations were measured by a Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe (model FSSP-100). The FSSP was installed on...

Aerosol chemical composition during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

This data set provides the bulk aerosol chemical composition measured with a high-resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-AMS) during the Arctic Ocean 2018...

Aerosol light scattering coefficients and scattering enhancement factors at 26 globally distributed stations 1998⁠ – ⁠2017

This dataset presents the time series of aerosol (total and back) light scattering, and scattering enhancement factors measured with in situ tandem humidified...

Aerosol light scattering properties at Zeppelin Observatory, Svalbard, 1999⁠ – ⁠2016, with back trajectory analysis parameters

The dataset was created to aid the investigation of long-term trends in aerosol light scattering properties using a unique data record of key aerosol optical...

Aerosol particle number size distribution data collected during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

Aerosol particle number size distributions in the size range 10⁠ – 921 nm were measured with a custom built differential mobility particle sizer (DMPS)...

Aerosol particle number size distribution data collected during the Arctic Ocean 2018 marine aerosol reference tank experiments

This dataset includes measurements of aerosol particle number size distribution from the marine aerosol reference tank (MART) experiments conducted during the...

Aerosol particle number size distribution measured during the FAIRARI campaign, Po valley, Italy, February⁠ – ⁠April 2022

The dataset provides measured aerosol particle number size distributions from 8 February to 4 April 2022 at San Pietro Capofiume, northern Italy, during the...

Aerosol particle type fractions from the Arctic Ocean 2018 marine aerosol reference tank experiments

This dataset includes the number fractions of aerosol particles assigned to three particle types from the marine aerosol reference tank (MART) experiments...

Chemical composition of semi-volatile aerosol collected during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

This data set contains molecular-level chemical composition of the semi-volatile fraction (evaporating at ≤ 200 °C) of aerosol particles collected onto...

Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentration during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

Measurements of cloud condensation nuclei concentrations in the whole-air sampling inlet (WAI) and the cloud residuals inlet (CVI), using two Cloud...

Cloud droplet residual and aerosol measurements from the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

The dataset includes cloud droplet residual and whole-air aerosol particle number size distributions from the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition, for a selected set...

Cloud water samples obtained in summertime during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

This dataset contains results from analyses of chemical composition for elevated clouds in the pristine high Arctic, obtained with a miniaturised cloud water...

Coarse-mode particle number size distribution data collected during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

Aerosol particle number size distributions in the size range 0.15⁠ – ⁠10 micrometre were measured with a white-light aerosol spectrometer (WELAS)...

Comparison of aerosol eddy covariance fluxes and chamber-simulated sea spray emissions from the Baltic Sea

The dataset comprises aerosol eddy covariance (EC) flux data measured on Östergarnsholm island in the Baltic Sea as well as data from ship-based laboratory...

Concentration of particles larger than 2.5 nm collected during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

The concentration of particles larger than 2.5 nm was measured with an ultrafine condensation particle counter (UCPC). The concentration was corrected for...

Distribution of organics in aerosol particles from the Arctic Ocean 2018 marine aerosol reference tank experiments

This dataset includes a summary of the organic compounds (detected using Raman microspectroscopy) in sea spray aerosol particles. The sea spray aerosol...

Equivalent black carbon concentration measured with an aethalometer AE33 during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

Equivalent black carbon (eBC) mass concentration was measured with a commercial aethalometer (model AE33, Magee Scientific, Berkeley, USA). Measurements were...

Frequent new particle formation over the high Arctic pack ice by enhanced iodine emissions, ancillary data

This dataset contains a collection of ancillary data that were used for the publication Frequent new particle formation over the high Arctic pack ice by...

Laboratory data on the effect of salinity and temperature on sea spray aerosol production

This dataset was created in a series of laboratory experiments to investigate the role of salinity and temperature on aerosol production and surface bubble...

Light absorbtion properties of Brown Carbon in the South Asian outflow in winter 2016

This dataset provides the mass-absorption cross section at 365 nm and the corresponding absorption Ångström exponent, stable carbon isotope signature of...

Mask to identify polluted periods during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

Aerosol and trace gas measurements are strongly affected by the ship exhaust and other human activities (e.g., helicopter flights). Therefore, it is important...

Measurements of bioaerosols, bacteria and ionic composition in sea spray aerosols from experiments in the Baltic Sea

Measurements of bioaerosols, bacteria and ionic composition in sea spray aerosols from sea spray chamber experiments with seawater from the Baltic Sea. The...

Measurements of bioaerosols, bacteria and ionic composition in sea spray aerosols from mesocosm experiments in the Azores

Measurements of bioaerosols, bacteria and ionic composition in sea spray aerosols from 20 chamber mesocosm experiments with seawater. The measurements...

Representative Raman spectra of aerosol particles from the Arctic Ocean 2018 marine aerosol reference tank experiments

This dataset includes Raman spectra of the three representative particle types identified in sea spray aerosol particles generated during the marine aerosol...

Sea salt aerosol elemental mole ratios from the Arctic Ocean 2018 marine aerosol reference tank experiments

This dataset includes the mean and 95% confidence intervals for the mole ratios C/Na, Cl/Na, S/Na, N/Na, Mg/Na, Ca/Na measured from individual submicron and...

Single-particle measurements of fluorescent bioaerosols and other coarse particles during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

Using a single-particle online optical instrument we measured the coarse particle concentration (optical diameter bigger than 0.8 µm) on the 4th deck of...

Size distribution of aerosol particles between 2.5 and 920 nm measured during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

The aerosol size distribution was obtained combining measurements from a neutral and air ion spectrometer (NAIS) with a differential mobility particle sizer...

Size distribution of interstitial and total particles between 18 and 660 nm collected during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

The aerosol size distribution was measured with a custom made scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), range 18⁠ – ⁠660 nm. Aerosols are important...

Size distribution of neutral and charged particles smaller than 42 nm collected during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

The size distribution of neutral and charged particles was measured using a neutral cluster and air ion spectrometer (NAIS) instrument. The concentration was...

Temperature and energy transport for idealized NorESM slab-ocean simulations for modified mid-latitude SO₂ aerosol emissions

This dataset contains temperature and horizontal heat convergence output from four different climate modelling simulations using a slab-ocean setup for the...

Ultrafine particle concentration measured during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

The ultrafine particle (UFP) concentration is the concentration of particles having a diameter between 2.5 and 15 nm, it is reported in terms of particle...

Vertical stratification of submicrometer aerosol particles measured during the high-Arctic ASCOS expedition 2008

The atmospheric thermodynamic structure and aerosol particle concentrations, in several size ranges, across a multitude of surface conditions over the Arctic...






Atmospheric Science AAE AO18 AO2018 ARTofMELT ARTofMELT 2023 expedition ASCOS Aerosol Aerosol Science Aerosol chemical composition Aerosol chemical properties Aerosol eddy covariance fluxes Aerosol optical properties Aerosol physical properties Aerosol science Aerosol size distribution Aerosol vertical profiling Aerosol-Cloud-Interaction Aerosol-Cloud-Interaction 2018 Aerosols Aethalometer Air pollution Arctic Arctic Ocean Arctic Ocean 2018 Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition Arctic boundary layer Arctic clouds Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry Atmospheric Physics Atmospheric Science Atmospheric chemistry Atmospheric science Back trajectory Bacteria Bacteria abundance Baltic Sea Bioaerosols Black carbon Brown Carbon CCN CCNC CCSEM-EDX CPC3776 Carbonaceous aerosols Central arctic ocean Chemical ionization mass spectrometry Climate Climate model Cloud Cloud and fog biology and chemistry Cloud droplet residuals Cloud residuals Clouds Clouds Aerosol Science Coarse mode particles Condensation sink Droplets Electron microscopy Emission fluxes FAIRARI FIGAERO-CIMS Fluorescence Fog GCVI Gas phase High Arctic INP Ice nucleating particles Ice nucleting particles Ice-nucleating particles Icebreaker Oden Inorganic and organic composition Ion induced nucleation Ionic composition Ions Italy Light absorption Light scattering Long-term trend MAC365 MOCCHA Marine Marine aerosol reference tank Mass absorption Mass absorption cross-section​ Mesocsom study Meteorology Microbiology-Ocean-Cloud-Coupling in the High Arctic Micrometeorology Microphysics NAIS Natural aerosols Neutral cluster and air ion spectrometer New particle formation NorESM North Pole Ocean biology Ocean chemistry Oceanography Organic compound PBAP Particle size distribution Particle type number fraction Pollution record Precipitation Primary biological aerosols Radiosoundings Raman Raman microspectroscopy Relative humidity Research vessel Electra SMPS Salinity Scanning mobility particle sizer Scattering coefficient Scattering enhancement factor Sea ice Sea salt aerosol Sea spray aerosol Sea spray aerosols Sea spray production Size distribution South Asia Summer Surface bubble spectra Svalbard Temperature Trajectories UCPC Ultrafine condensation particle counter Ultrafine particles Weather observations Zeppelin Ångström exponent