9 datasets found
This dataset contains turbulent flux estimates, and associated mean meteorological quantities, measured at 15.55 m on a mast installed on the ice floe during...
Air-sea fluxes of momentum, heat and CO₂, associated micrometeorological and mean meteorological and ocean surface variables. Fluxes are derived from fast...
Measurements of visibility, precipitation type and intensity, and the corresponding the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) weather codes. The dataset...
Atmospheric profile measurements of temperature, humidity, pressure and wind speed from radiosonde (Vaisala RS92) weather balloons. Data also include...
In-situ boundary-layer meteorological observations were made from the ice floe using sensors hanging under a tethered balloon which was quasi-continuously...
Measurements of near-surface wind speed and direction, temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, shortwave and longwave downwelling radiation, and surface...