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124 datasets found



A comprehensive characterisation of natural aerosol source samples from expedition ARTofMELT, Arctic Ocean, 2023

Data from natural aerosol source characterization experiments carried out during the expedition ARTofMELT (Atmospheric Rivers and the Onset of Arctic Melt)...

Aerosol light scattering properties at Zeppelin Observatory, Svalbard, 1999⁠ – ⁠2016, with back trajectory analysis parameters

The dataset was created to aid the investigation of long-term trends in aerosol light scattering properties using a unique data record of key aerosol optical...

Aerosol particle type fractions from the Arctic Ocean 2018 marine aerosol reference tank experiments

This dataset includes the number fractions of aerosol particles assigned to three particle types from the marine aerosol reference tank (MART) experiments...

Arctic cloud and aerosol measurements from Zeppelin Observatory, Svalbard, November 2015 to February 2018

The dataset includes cloud, aerosol and meteorological data from Zeppelin Observatory, Svalbard, for the period 27 November 2015 to 4 February 2018. This...

Cloud droplet residual and aerosol measurements from the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

The dataset includes cloud droplet residual and whole-air aerosol particle number size distributions from the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition, for a selected set...

Cloud water samples obtained in summertime during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

This dataset contains results from analyses of chemical composition for elevated clouds in the pristine high Arctic, obtained with a miniaturised cloud water...

Comparison of aerosol eddy covariance fluxes and chamber-simulated sea spray emissions from the Baltic Sea

The dataset comprises aerosol eddy covariance (EC) flux data measured on Östergarnsholm island in the Baltic Sea as well as data from ship-based laboratory...

Concentration of bioaerosols and ice nucleating particles at Zeppelin Observatory, Svalbard, 2017 – 2020

Using a single-particle online optical instrument we measured the coarse particle concentration (optical diameter bigger than 0.8 µm) at the Zeppelin...

Distribution of organics in aerosol particles from the Arctic Ocean 2018 marine aerosol reference tank experiments

This dataset includes a summary of the organic compounds (detected using Raman microspectroscopy) in sea spray aerosol particles. The sea spray aerosol...

Fluorescent primary biological aerosol particle concentrations in low-level Arctic cloud residuals in Svalbard 2019 – 2021

Using an optical single-particle instrument we measured the particle concentration of coarse-mode aerosol (optical diameters larger than 0.8 µm) within cloud...

Laboratory data on the effect of salinity and temperature on sea spray aerosol production

This dataset was created in a series of laboratory experiments to investigate the role of salinity and temperature on aerosol production and surface bubble...

Light absorbing aerosol along with air mass history measured at the Zeppelin observatory in Svalbard

The dataset includes a harmonised 22-year long time series (2002 – 2023) of light-absorbing aerosol atmospheric particles. In support of the harmonised...

Representative Raman spectra of aerosol particles from the Arctic Ocean 2018 marine aerosol reference tank experiments

This dataset includes Raman spectra of the three representative particle types identified in sea spray aerosol particles generated during the marine aerosol...

Sea salt aerosol elemental mole ratios from the Arctic Ocean 2018 marine aerosol reference tank experiments

This dataset includes the mean and 95% confidence intervals for the mole ratios C/Na, Cl/Na, S/Na, N/Na, Mg/Na, Ca/Na measured from individual submicron and...

Single-particle measurements of fluorescent bioaerosols and other coarse particles during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

Using a single-particle online optical instrument we measured the coarse particle concentration (optical diameter bigger than 0.8 µm) on the 4th deck of...

Temperature and energy transport for idealized NorESM slab-ocean simulations for modified mid-latitude SO₂ aerosol emissions

This dataset contains temperature and horizontal heat convergence output from four different climate modelling simulations using a slab-ocean setup for the...

Vertical stratification of submicrometer aerosol particles measured during the high-Arctic ASCOS expedition 2008

The atmospheric thermodynamic structure and aerosol particle concentrations, in several size ranges, across a multitude of surface conditions over the Arctic...

Climate simulation

Bronze Age climate in Europe simulated with two regional climate models using pollen-based and simulated land cover

Bronze Age climate, ca. 2 500 years ago (2.5 ka), was simulated by two regional climate models (RCM) for a European domain (CORDEX EUR-44) at a grid resolution...

Global fields of meteorological and aerosol data from seven experiments with the NorESM2 model under different warming scenarios

This dataset contains modeled basic meteorological variables from NorESM2 simulations with prescribed sea ice cover and sea surface temperatures (SST) in...

Mid-Holocene and pre-industrial climate data from EC-Earth3 and LPJ-GUESS models to study vegetation-climate feedback

The dataset contains selected output data from the simulations for a study on vegetation-climate feedback on temperature changes in East Asia. We use the CMIP6...

Mid-Holocene climate in Europe simulated with two regional climate models using pollen-based and simulated land cover

Mid-Holocene climate, ca. 6 thousand years ago (6 ka), was simulated by two regional climate models (RCM) for a European domain (CORDEX EUR-44) at a grid...

Selected output from ICON global atmosphere simulations, at ~160 km resolution, with varying turbulent drag

This dataset contains the subset of output from simulations performed with the ICON general circulation model in aquaplanet configuration with r2b4 horizontal...

Simulations for mid-Holocene and pre-industrial climate with EC-Earth3 model — selected data for a study on vegetation feedback

Pre-industrial period (1850 CE) and mid-Holocene (6000 years ago) climates were simulated by the CMIP6-PMIP4 version of the European Consortium Earth System...


Ice station meteorological data from the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

This dataset contains meteorological data — air temperature, near-surface air temperature profiles, relative humidity, surface temperature, near-surface wind...

Ice station turbulent flux data at 2.65 m from the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

This dataset contains turbulent flux estimates, and associated mean meteorological quantities, measured at 2.65 m on a mast installed on the ice floe during...

Micrometeorological data from icebreaker Oden’s foremast during expedition ARTofMELT, Arctic Ocean, 2023

Air-sea fluxes and other micrometeorological variables are derived from fast response (20 Hz) measurements of the 3-dimensional wind vector, temperature and...

Micrometeorological data from icebreaker Oden’s foremast during expedition SAS, Arctic Ocean, 2021

Air-sea fluxes and other micrometeorological variables are derived from fast response (20 Hz) measurements of the 3-dimensional wind vector, temperature and...

Micrometeorological data from icebreaker Oden’s foremast during Ryder 2019 and Northwest passage 2019 expeditions

Air-sea fluxes and other micrometeorological variables derived from fast response (20 Hz) measurements of the 3-dimensional wind vector, temperature and...

Micrometeorological data from icebreaker Oden’s foremast during the Arctic Ocean 2016 expedition

Air-sea fluxes and other micrometeorological variables derived from fast response (20 Hz) measurements of the 3-dimensional wind vector, temperature and...

Micrometeorological data from icebreaker Oden’s foremast during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

Air-sea fluxes and other micrometeorological variables derived from fast response (20 Hz) measurements of the 3-dimensional wind vector, temperature and...

Micrometeorological data from icebreaker Oden’s foremast during the SWERUS-C3 Arctic Ocean expedition in 2014

Air-sea fluxes and other micrometeorological variables derived from fast response (20 Hz) measurements of the 3-dimensional wind vector, temperature and...


High resolution topoclimate maps over Sweden

High spatial resolution (50 m grain-size) gridded maps of 10 years period (2000-2010) of monthly means, min and max temperature, and a map of Growing Degree...

Late-glacial European summer temperature reconstruction

The dataset provides a compilation of quantitative European summer temperature reconstructions for the late-glacial periods of the Bølling-Allerød...

Lateglacial plant macrofossil-based temperature reconstructions for the Baltic states from 14,000 to 11,000 years ago

The dataset contains quantitative mean air temperature reconstructions of January and July for the period of 14,000 to 11,000 years ago in the region of the...

Monthly mean air temperatures from Tarfala Research Station, Kebnekaise Mountains, 1965 – 2022

This dataset contains monthly mean air temperatures from Tarfala Research Station, acquired since 1965 and updated annually. For the years 1946 – 1964,...

Monthly mean air temperatures from Tarfala Research Station, Kebnekaise Mountains, Northern Sweden

This dataset contains monthly mean air temperatures from Tarfala Research Station, acquired since 1965 and updated annually. Tarfala Research Station (TRS),...

Northern Hemisphere 2,000-year temperature reconstruction

Northern Hemisphere temperature reconstruction for the past 2,000 years by combining low-resolution proxies with tree-ring data, using a wavelet transform...

Northern Hemisphere extratropical 1000-year temperature reconstruction

1000-year temperature reconstruction for the Northern Hemisphere extratropical region (30°N-90°N) by the LOC method. The new LOC method reconstructs the...

Northern Hemisphere extratropical 2000-year and 500-year temperature reconstructions

We present two new multi-proxy reconstructions of the extra-tropical Northern Hemisphere (30–90°N) mean temperature: a two-millennia long reconstruction...

Simulated seasonal temperatures 850–2005 for the seven PAGES 2k regions derived from the CESM last millennium ensemble

Simulated surface air temperature data derived from the Last Millennium Ensemble with the Community Earth System Model (CESM) version 1.1, for the period AD...

Warming stripes — visualisations of annual temperature series from the Nordic countries

Ongoing climate change is a complex problem and communicating it to a general audience often requires short and simple explanations. Warming stripes refer to...

Weather observations

Present weather sensor visibility and precipitation data from the Arctic Ocean 2016 expedition

Measurements of visibility, precipitation type and intensity, and the corresponding World Meteorological Organization (WMO) weather codes. The dataset...

Present weather sensor visibility and precipitation data from the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

Measurements of visibility, precipitation type and intensity, and the corresponding the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) weather codes. The dataset...

Radiosonde data from the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

Atmospheric profile measurements of temperature, humidity, pressure and wind speed from radiosonde (Vaisala RS92) weather balloons. Data also include...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations

Weather observations have been made continuously at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1754. This is one of the world's longest records of...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Air temperature

Data for air temperatures at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1756 are provided. The data are available both with, and without, adjustments...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Sub-daily cloud amount since 1756

Weather observations have been made continuously at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1754. The dataset provided here contains estimated...

Visibility, precipitation and present weather observations from expedition SAS, Arctic Ocean, 2021

Horisontal visibility, precipitation rate and air temperature data are obtained from a Present Weather observation station. The dataset also includes the World...

Weather data from MISU weather station during Ryder 2019 and Northwest passage 2019 expeditions

Measurements of near-surface wind speed and direction, temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, shortwave and longwave downwelling radiation, surface...

Weather data from MISU weather station during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

Measurements of near-surface wind speed and direction, temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, shortwave and longwave downwelling radiation, and surface...

Weather data from the MISU weather station during the Arctic Ocean 2016 expedition

Measurements of near-surface wind speed and direction, temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, shortwave and longwave downwelling radiation, and surface...

Weather data from the MISU weather station during the SWERUS-C3 Arctic Ocean expedition in 2014

Measurements of near-surface wind speed and direction, temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, shortwave and longwave downwelling radiation, and surface...








AO2018 ACAS ACSE AO16 AO18 AO2016 AO2018 ARTofMELT ARTofMELT 2023 expedition ASCOS Active layer depth Active layer dynamics Aerosol Aerosol chemical properties Aerosol eddy covariance fluxes Aerosol physical properties Aerosol vertical profiling Aerosols Age model Agroforestry Air mass history Air parcel trajectories Air pressure Air temperature Air-sea exchange Air-sea gas exchange Air-sea interaction Alpine Anaerobic oxidation Annual resolution Antarctic circumpolar current Antarctica Aquatic biota Arctic Arctic Ocean Arctic Ocean 2016 Arctic Ocean 2018 Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition Arctic boundary layer Arctic clouds Arctic gateways Arctic greening Arctic warming Atlantic meridional overturning circulation Atmosphere BVOC Back trajectory Baltic Sea Baltic states Bathymetry Bats Benthic foraminifera Bhutan Bioaerosols Biogenic Bloom Biogeochemistry Biomarker Biomarkers Black carbon Body size Bottom water temperature Boundary Layer Bronze Age Bryophyte Bulk marine sediment Bulk sediment CCSEM-EDX CO₂ reconstruction CTD Carbon Carbon Dioxide Carbon and Oxygen isotopes Carbon dioxide Carbon isotopes Carbon to nitrogen ratio Catchment scale Change driver Chironomids Chukchi Sea Climate change Climate indicator Climate indicator plant species Climate model Climate model simulation Climate modelling Climate proxy data Climate reconstruction Climate reconstructions Climate scenarios Climate sensitivity Climate variability Climate warming Climatic optima Cloud Condensation Nuclei Cloud amount Cloud and fog biology and chemistry Cloud droplet residuals Cloud radar Cloud residuals Cloudnet Clouds Coccolithophores Concentration Cooloola Sand Mass Crania Cryology Cryostratification Daily data Data visualisation Dating Deep water Deglaciation Dendrochronology Diatoms Diffusion Dissociation Dissolved gas Drought Drying and rewetting Dunes EC-Earth ERA5 data Early instrumental data Earth science East Siberia East Siberian Margin East Siberian Sea Eastern equatorial Pacific Ebullution Ecological engineering Ecosystem services Eddy covariance Eemian Electron microscopy Ensemble simulation Ensemble simulations Eocene Eocene-Oligocene Transition Feedback Fennoscandia Finland Fjord Flow pathways Flow-path Fluorescence Flux Foraminifera Forest Forest understory Fossil leaves Fraser Island Fugacity Functional traits GCM and emission scenarios GCVI Gas hydrate Geochemical proxy data Geochemistry Geochronology Geophysics Gialova lagoon Global climate model Grain size Greece Greenhouse Greenhouse gas Greenland Greenland fjord circulation Ground temperature Growing season degreee days HCLIM HYSPLIT Herald Canyon High Arctic High resolution regional ocean modelling Himalayan Spruce Holocene Homogenized data Humidity Hydraulic control Hydroclimate Hydrogen isotopes Hydrography Hydrology INP ISSS-2020 Ice Nucleating Particles Ice nucleating particles Ice nucleting particles Ice-nucleating particles Ice-ocean modelling Ice-off Ice-on Icebreaker Oden Inorganic and organic composition Instrumental temperature data Interactions Java Jimma Jämtland Kara Sea Kebnekaise LAGRANTO LOMROG expedition LPJ-GUESS Lacustrine Lake Lake Tarfala Lake ice Lake ice phenology Lake sediments Lake temperature Land cover Land-cover change Land-use and land-cover change Landscape abundances Landscape change Landscape unit Laptev Sea Large-scale Last Interglacial Last millennium Late Miocene Lateglacial Les Echets Lidar Light scattering Light-absorbing Limnology Lomonosov Ridge Long-term trend MIS 5e MIS2 MIS3 MOCCHA MXD Marine Marine Geology Marine Heat Flow Marine aerosol reference tank Marine geology Marine sediment Maritime continent Matuyama/Bruhnes boundary Maximum temperature Mean temperature Mercury Meridional overturning circulation Meteorological model data Meteorology Methane Methane emissions Methane isotopes Methylmercury Mg/Ca Microbial growth Microclimate Micrometeorological data Micrometeorology Mid-Holocene Middle Pleistocene Transition Mineral magnetics Minimum temperature Miocene Miocene Climatic Optimum Mixed-Phase Clouds Model simulation Model-data comparison Monomictic Monthly data Monthly mean air temperature Morphology Multi-method Multi-proxy Multibeam Museum specimens Natural aerosols Navarino Environmental Observatory Nitrogen Nitrogen use efficiency NorESM NorESM2 North Atlantic Northern Greenland Northern Hemisphere Northern circumpolar permafrost region Northern hemisphere Northwest Passage Numerical modelling Nutrient budget OSL OSL dates Observations Ocean Ocean biology and chemistry Ocean chemistry Ocean circulation Oceanography Oden Oligocene Optically stimulated luminescence Organic carbon Organic compound Oxygen Oxygen concentration PBAP Palaeoceanography Palaeoclimate Paleoceanography Paleoclimate Paleoclimate reconstruction Paleoenvironment Paleomagnetism Paleotemperature Partial pressure Particle type number fraction Peatland Permafrost Permafrost hydrogeology Phosphorous use efficiency Planktic foraminifera Plant macrofossils Plant occurences Pleistocene Pollen Position and speed Precipitation Precipitation intensity Precipitation type Predictions Preindustrial Present weather Pressure Pro-glacial RCA4 RCP RCS Radiative Fluxes Radiosonde Radiosoundings Raman Raman microspectroscopy Reconstruction Regional climate model Regional climate models Relative humidity Remote sensing of clouds and fogs Respiration rates Ryder 2019 expedition SAS 2021 expedition SSP SST SWERUS-C3 SWERUS-C3 expedition Salinity Sample depth Scandinavia Scots pine Sea Ice Sea ice Sea ice cover Sea salt aerosol Sea spray aerosol Sea spray aerosols Sea spray production Sea surface temperature Sea-ice loss Seafloor methane Seafloor morphology Seasonality changes Seawater temperature Sediment properties Sensitivity experiments Shared socioeconomic pathways Ship log Ship log and weather station Ship navigation Snow depth Soil organic carbon Solar radiation Southern Ocean Southern Sweden Southwestern Ethiopia Spatial scale Stable isotopes Statistical downscaling Stockholm Stomatal proxy Sub-Arctic Subarctic Subsea permafrost Summer Summer temperature Surface bubble spectra Surface energy budget Surface fluxes Surface water Svalbard Sweden Synoptic Arctic Survey TEX86 TOUGH+Hydrate TRW Tarfala Temperature Temperature proxy Temperature reconstruction Terrestial biota Terrestrial Thaw depth Thermistor Topoclimate Topography Total nitrogen Trace gas Travel times Tree rings Tree-rings Tropical atmosphere Tropical circulation Tropical precipitation Turbidity Turbulence Turbulent drag Turbulent fluxes Uk'37 Under-ice Vascular plant Vegetation feedback Vertical mixing Visibility Volcanoes Warm-pool Water depth Water temperature Water temperatures Weather Weather forecast Weather station Wetland ecosystems Wind speed Winds Wings Younger Dryas Zeppelin iButton ¹⁴C dates Ångström exponent