6 datasets found
The dataset contains the backtracked moisture footprints of the basins of 40 selected Ramsar wetlands for a base run with ERA5 reanalysis evaporation and...
This data set contains proxy data from a paleoenvironment reconstruction study covering the last 7700 years in southern Mozambique, derived from fossil...
This dataset provides year-round measurements of water temperatures from 12 small and shallow lakes in north-western Finnish Lapland between...
This data portal serves as a resource for investigators interested in the study of Miocene climate, about 23 to 5 million years ago. It collates a list of key...
The dataset contains biomass and nitrogen content data of two Salix species (S. dasyclados Wimm. var. ‘Loden’, and S. schwerinii E. Wolf. x S. viminalis L....
Long-term (1901–2014) annual average hydroclimatic conditions (T, P, ET) for wetlandscapes (catchments with wetland networks) around the world. These sites...