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17 datasets found



Atmospheric mineral deposition and peat accumulation rates during the last 8300 years in south-central Sweden

This dataset includes elemental concentration, mineralogy, and peat accumulation rates of a peat sequence from Draftinge Mosse bog, located in a peatland rich...

Chemical and mineral composition of peat and soils samples, Halland province, southwestern Sweden

This dataset contains chemical, mineral and isotopic concentration data of a radiocarbon dated peat sequence from Davidsmosse bog, in Halland province,...

Ground temperature, thaw depth and snow depth in a permafrost peatland in Tavvavuoma, northern Sweden

This dataset contains information on ground temperature, late season thaw depth and snow depth variability within a permafrost peatland in northern Sweden. The...

Holocene plant macrofossil and geochemical data from permafrost peatlands in Tavvavuoma, Sweden, and Finnmark, Norway

This dataset contains detailed information on plant macrofossils, bulk density, loss on ignition, and carbon and nitrogen content at four permafrost peatland...

Litter bag decomposition at Stordalen mire 2011 – 2013

The dataset contains litter decomposition rates using 3 litter bags collections and their covariate environmental data. We measured in-situ decomposition of...

Macrofossil analysis on a peat sequence reaching ~10 000 years BP in Store Mosse bog, south-central Sweden

Plant macrofossils were analysed from an ombrotrophic peat bog (Store Mosse bog) located in south-central Sweden, using a 678 cm long peat sequence which was...

Maps of peatlands in the forested landscape of Sweden

This dataset contains binary raster maps showing presence-or-not of peatlands in the forested landscape of Sweden. Four different binary rasters are provided,...





16S DNA 18S DNA AO18 AO2018 Active layer depth Arctic Ocean Automatic bubble counter Automatic floating chamber Bathymetry Bats Biology Body size Boreal peatland Bryophyte Carbon Carbon/Nitrogen ratio Central Arctic Ocean Chemistry Climate change Climate extremes Climatic optima Communities Crania Drought Ecosystem Elevation Fennoscandia Figaro CH₄ sensor Fish Food web Functional traits GPT4o Geochemistry Greenhouse gas flux Ground temperature Growing season degreee days Holocene Icebreaker Oden Impact database Interactions Internet of things IoT LLM Land use change impacts Landscape abundances Landscape change Landscape unit LiDAR Litter decomposition MOCCHA Machine learning Marine Marine Geology Marine aerosol reference tank Marine microbial community Maximum temperature Mean temperature Microbiology Mineralogy Minerals Minimum temperature Moisture tracking Morphology Multibeam Museum specimens Nitrogen content Nutrient limitation Ocean biology and chemistry Oceanography Paleodust Paleoecology Peat accumulation rate Peat accumulation rates Peat bog Peat paleodust Peat properties Peatland Peatland extent Peatland vegetation Peatlands Pelagic Permafrost Permafrost thaw Plant allocation Plant diversity Plant macrofossils Plant occurences Precipitationsheds SAS 2021 expedition SEM-EDS Sediment Senseair CO₂ sensor Snow depth Soil carbon Spatial scale Sphagnum mosses Squid Stable isotopes Stordalen Subarctic Sweden Sympagic Thaw depth Vascular plant WD-XRF Wetland basins Willow Wings XRD Zooplankton