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20 datasets found


Sediment cores

Age model and physical properties of sediment from the Arctic Siberian margin, core SWERUS-L2-31PC

Age model and sedimentological data for a marine sediment core collected on the Lomonosov Ridge adjoining the East Siberian shelf, Arctic Ocean. The dataset...

Bulk sediment records from ODP Site 851, eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean

The data comprise coarse fraction concentrations, carbonate content and carbon and oxygen stable isotopes (δ¹³C and δ¹⁸O) of deep-sea sediment samples...

Carbonate content, carbon and oxygen stable isotopes of bulk sediment from the eastern equatorial Pacific

The data consist of carbonate content and carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition of bulk sediment samples deposited since the late Miocene (~7 Ma) at the...

Eocene-Oligocene age planktonic and benthic foraminifera oxygen and carbon stable isotopes from the NKK-1 borehole, central Java

This data set involves geochemical paleoceanographic proxy records from a borehole drilled in the Nanggulan region of central Java, Indonesia, and includes...

Fish otoliths in sediment samples from expedition SAS, Arctic Ocean, 2021

This dataset contains metadata and 296 files with photographs of 325 fish otoliths (calcium carbonate structures in the heads of bony fishes) sampled from the...

Late Holocene paleomagnetic secular variation records of sediment cores SWERUS-L2-2-PC1 and SWERUS-L2-4-PC1 from the Chukchi Sea

Geomagnetic field directions (inclination and declination) are reconstructed for two sediment cores for the past 4200 years. The sediment cores were collected...

Paleoceanographic sediment data from IODP Site U1338 and DSDP Site 573

Data comprise bulk and fine fraction C and O stable isotopes, carbonate content, coarse fraction content, age and depths of samples from IODP Site U1338 and...

Sea-ice biomarkers and total organic carbon from sediment of Holocene age collected in the southern Lincoln Sea in 2019

This dataset includes sea-ice related biomarkers and the amount of total organic carbon from 15 surface sediment samples and two gravity cores collected during...

The 3.6 ka Aniakchak tephra in marine sediments from the Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean

The eruption of the Alaskan Aniakchak volcano of 3.6 thousand years ago was one of the largest Holocene eruptions worldwide. The resulting ash is found in...





Age model Antarctica Arctic Arctic Ocean Biogenic Bloom Biogeochemical cycles Biology Biomarkers Bulk carbonate Bulk marine sediment Bulk sediment CASCADE Carbon Carbon and Oxygen isotopes Carbon and oxygen isotopes Carbon dioxide reconstructions Carbon flux Carbon isotopes Central Arctic Ocean Cesium-137 activity Charcoal Chemistry Chukchi Sea Climate change Climate variability Coccolithophores Communities Concentrations Diatoms Early Holocene Eastern Equatorial Pacific Eastern equatorial Pacific Ecosystem Eemian Eocene FTIR Finland Fish Fish otoliths Food web Foraminifera Geochemical proxy data Geochemistry Greenhouse Holocene Hydrogen isotopes Hässeldala ISSS-2020 Icebreaker Oden Java Lake sediments Last Interglacial Late Glacial Late Miocene Late Miocene-early Pliocene Lateglacial Lesotho Lincoln Sea Lithostratigraphy MIS 5e Marine Geology Marine Isotope Stage 3 Marine geology Marine sediments Maritime continent Mercury concentration Microbiology Multi-core Multi-proxy Multi-proxy lake sediments Nitrogen Ocean acidification Oceanography Oligocene Palaeoceanography Palaeomagnetic secular variation Paleoclimate Paleotemperature Pelagic Percentages Permafrost thaw Pollen Pollen counts Radiocarbon Radiocarbon dates Reservoir age Ryder 2019 expedition SAS 2021 expedition SWERUS-C3 SWERUS-C3 expedition Sea ice Seasonality changes Sediment Sediment properties Sediment size fractions Southeast Asia; Southern Sweden Squid Stable isotopes Sympagic Tephra Thailand Volcanoes Warm-pool XRF Zooplankton