20 datasets found
Atmospheric observations of CH₄ and CO₂ above the Eastern Arctic Ocean, and dissolved CH₄ in surface waters of the Eastern Arctic Ocean in July and...
Shipborne atmospheric measurements of methane (CH₄) and carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the Eastern Arctic Ocean in August and September 2014. This dataset...
Shipborne observations of methane isotopic ratio (δ¹³C) from the Eastern Arctic Ocean in July and August 2014. This dataset provides rare measurements of...
This dataset builds on an order of magnitude more observations than reports to date on Ocean Acidification (OA) in the Arctic Ocean; and, for the first time in...
This data set contains observations of molecular biomarkers for terrigenous organic matter (terr-OM) at high spatial coverage across the East Siberian Arctic...
The Circum-Arctic Sediment CArbon DatabasE (CASCADE) was established to curate data on concentrations of organic carbon (OC) and total nitrogen (TN), OC...
The Arctic Ocean 2016 expedition was carried out during summer 2016 in the Arctic Ocean, mainly in the Amundsen Basin and in areas around the underwater...
The Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition was carried out during summer 2018 in the central Arctic Ocean. With the Swedish icebreaker Oden serving as the research...
The ASCOS (Arctic Summer Cloud Ocean Study) expedition was carried out during summer 2008 in high-latitude areas in the Arctic Ocean. With the Swedish...
The LOMROG (Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland) 2007 expedition was carried out during summer of 2007. The expedition worked in the central Arctic Ocean over...
The Ryder 2019 Expedition was carried out during summer 2019 in the Arctic Ocean off Northwest Greenland. The main target was Sherard Osborn Fjord where Ryder...
The SWERUS-C3 (Swedish – Russian – US Arctic Ocean Investigation of Climate-Cryosphere-Carbon Interactions) expedition was carried out during the summer of...
Water column profiles of mercury (Hg) and methylmercury (MeHg). The dataset includes observations on Total Hg, Hgᴵᴵ, Hg⁰, MeHg and other chemical...
Depth profiles of seawater pH and total alkalinity (TA) from water samples collected during the Ryder 2019 Expedition from coastal waters along northwestern...
Continuous, underway measurements of seawater pH and total alkalinity (TA) were collected from the surface seawater intake system on board the Swedish...
Upper ocean gas bubbles generate airborne droplets when they burst at the surface, either "film droplets", from remnants of the surface of a bubble, or "jet...
Upper ocean turbulence data was measured at the ocean site of the ice floe roughly 100 m from the Icebreaker Oden, using instruments mounted in a tower...
The dataset presented here contains 5-minute resolution processed seawater isotopic measurements (δ¹⁸O, δD, deuterium excess) measurements made during the...