17 datasets found
This dataset provides measurements of the bubble flux of methane (CH₄), a strong climate forcing trace gas, to the atmosphere from three subarctic lakes...
This dataset provides concentration measurements of dissolved methane (CH₄), a strong climate forcing trace gas, in the water column of three subarctic lakes...
This dataset provides measurements of the diffusive flux of methane (CH₄), a strong climate forcing trace gas, to the atmosphere from three subarctic lakes...
Multibeam bathymetry from areas in the East Siberian Arctic Ocean and adjacent deep waters off the continental shelf. More specifically, mapped areas include...
Multibeam bathymetry from seafloor off northwestern sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet, where Petermann Glacier drains into Nares Strait. The data reveal...
The SWERUS-C3 (Swedish – Russian – US Arctic Ocean Investigation of Climate-Cryosphere-Carbon Interactions) expedition was carried out during the summer of...
The Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) 2021 expedition was carried out during summer 2021 in the Arctic Ocean, covering a large area including parts of the Amundsen...
This data set involves geochemical paleoceanographic proxy records from a borehole drilled in the Nanggulan region of central Java, Indonesia, and includes...
Summary of published data used to calculate marine heat flow at sediment coring stations on SWERUS-C3-L2 in 2014. The data file includes A.) Summary table of...
Benthic and planktic foraminifera oxygen and carbon stable isotope measurements from four North Atlantic deep sea drill sites from the late Eocene to early...
The dataset provides a compilation of published and unpublished plant micro- and macrofossils from 15 sites across Denmark and southern Sweden. The...
This dataset provides a list of 62 different climate indicator plant species together with their minimum July temperature requirements. For each plant...