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38 datasets found



Bat morphological data of museum specimens collected over 180 years in Sweden

This data set consists of morphological measurements of museum specimens of bats collected in Sweden over a 180 year time period. Three bat species were...

Climatic optima for plants in central Sweden, Sweden and Europe

At the core of this dataset are the values of climate optima for 146 plant species at different spatial scales. The climate variables are growing degree days,...

CO₂ reconstruction for the Miocene Climatic Optimum based on fossil plants

The dataset contains the supporting information to stomatal-proxy and isotope based CO₂ reconstructions performed on a dataset of fossil leaves from the...

Regime shifts database – large persistent changes in ecosystem services

The regime shifts database collects and synthesise information about regime shifts around the world. Regime shifts are large, persistent changes in the...

Rhizosphere priming data for the northern circumpolar permafrost area, 2010⁠ – ⁠2100

The dataset contains output from the PrimeSCale model that combines observation-based data on plant and soil properties to quantify the rhizosphere priming...

Salix biomass and nitrogen content measured in a pot experiment, Uppsala, Sweden, 2018⁠ ⁠ – ⁠2019

The dataset contains biomass and nitrogen content data of two Salix species (S. dasyclados Wimm. var. ‘Loden’, and S. schwerinii E. Wolf. x S. viminalis L....

Sapwood biomass carbon in northern boreal and temperate forests

We have estimated the amount of carbon stored in the living tissue of tree stems (sapwood), based on satellite remote sensing observations during the year 2010...


Atmospheric mineral deposition and peat accumulation rates during the last 8300 years in south-central Sweden

This dataset includes elemental concentration, mineralogy, and peat accumulation rates of a peat sequence from Draftinge Mosse bog, located in a peatland rich...

Biogenic and geochemical data covering the last 1700 years from a peat and sediment core from Mpumalanga Province, South Africa

This data set contains proxy data from a paleoenvironment reconstruction study covering the last 1700 years conducted on a peat core from Lydenburg, Mpumalanga...

Bulk density, ash content, humification, peat accumulation and selected lithogenic data of Store Mosse peat bog

Chemical and physical as well as age dating information from the Store Mosse peat bog in southern Sweden. This record dates back to 8900 cal yr BP. The aim of...

Chemical and mineral composition of peat and soils samples, Halland province, southwestern Sweden

This dataset contains chemical, mineral and isotopic concentration data of a radiocarbon dated peat sequence from Davidsmosse bog, in Halland province,...

Geochemical, molecular, biogenic and pyrogenic content in a 175 cm long wetland sediment sequence, Free State, South Africa

This dataset contains geochemical, molecular, biogenic, and pyrogenic results derived from analysis of a 175 cm long wetland sequence from Marais Geluk...

Ground temperature and meteorological data from a permafrost peatland in Tavvavuoma, northern Sweden, 2006–2013

This monitoring dataset contains information on ground temperature and thaw depth, and meteorological parameters (air temperature, summer precipitation and...

Ground temperature, thaw depth and snow depth in a permafrost peatland in Tavvavuoma, northern Sweden

This dataset contains information on ground temperature, late season thaw depth and snow depth variability within a permafrost peatland in northern Sweden. The...

Holocene plant macrofossil and geochemical data from permafrost peatlands in Finnmark, Norway

This dataset contains detailed information on plant macrofossils, bulk density, loss on ignition, carbon and nitrogen elemental and isotopic properties from...

Holocene plant macrofossil and geochemical data from permafrost peatlands in Tavvavuoma, Sweden

This dataset contains detailed information on plant macrofossils, bulk density, loss on ignition, and carbon and nitrogen content at six permafrost peatland...

Holocene plant macrofossil and geochemical data from permafrost peatlands in Tavvavuoma, Sweden, and Finnmark, Norway

This dataset contains detailed information on plant macrofossils, bulk density, loss on ignition, and carbon and nitrogen content at four permafrost peatland...

Loss-of-ignition, elemental carbon and mineral data from a peat composite – from a method study for organic matter removal

This dataset contains the measured values of loss of ignition (LOI), residual elemental carbon and identified minerals from peat composite sub-samples...

Macrofossil analysis on a peat sequence reaching ~10 000 years BP in Store Mosse bog, south-central Sweden

Plant macrofossils were analysed from an ombrotrophic peat bog (Store Mosse bog) located in south-central Sweden, using a 678 cm long peat sequence which was...

Maps of peatlands in the forested landscape of Sweden

This dataset contains binary raster maps showing presence-or-not of peatlands in the forested landscape of Sweden. Four different binary rasters are provided,...





Active layer depth Africa Air temperature An Giang Arctic Ocean Automatic bubble counter Automatic floating chamber Baltic Sea Bathymetry Bats Biology Biomarkers Biomass allometry Body size Bokoni Boreal forest Boreal peatland Bottom water temperature Bryophyte C/N ratio CO₂ reconstruction Carbon Carbon storage efficiency Carbon use efficiency Carbon-use efficiency Carbon/Nitrogen ratio Central Arctic Ocean Change driver Charcoal Chemistry Climate change Climate extremes Climate proxy data Climate sensitivity Climatic optima Coastal wetland Communities Conservation needs Contaminants in marine biota Crania Critical transitions Diatoms Drought Ecological engineering Ecological stoichiometry Ecosystem Ecosystem services Ecosystems Effective humidity Fennoscandia Figaro CH₄ sensor Fires Fish Flow-path Food web Fossil leaves Functional traits GPT4o Geochemistry Gialova lagoon Grass phytoliths Grassland biome Greece Greenhouse gas flux Greenhouse gas fluxes Ground temperature Growing season degreee days Gyre index Heartwood biomass Holocene Hydroclimate Hydrogen isotopes Icebreaker Oden Impact database Intensification Interactions Internet of things Inversion models IoT Isotopes LLM Lake level Land use change impacts Landscape abundances Landscape change Landscape unit Large-scale Last 2000 years LiDAR Machine learning Management suggestions Marine Geology Marine Isotope Stage 3 Marine ecosystem Marine ecosystems Maximum temperature Mean temperature Mg/Ca Microbial biomass carbon Microbiology Mineral dust Mineralogy Minerals Minimum temperature Miocene Miocene Climatic Optimum Miombo Moisture tracking Monitoring programme Morphology Mozambique Multi-proxy Multi-proxy lake sediments Multibeam Museum specimens Natura 2000 Navarino Environmental Observatory Nitrogen Nitrogen content North Atlantic Northern Thailand Northern circumpolar permafrost area Northern permafrost region Norway Nutrient limitation OM removal Ocean circulation Oceanography Organic matter Palaeoclimate Palaeoecology Palaeohydrology Paleo-monsoon Paleoceanography Paleodust Paleoecology Peat Peat accumulation Peat accumulation rate Peat accumulation rates Peat bog Peat paleodust Peat properties Peatland Peatland extent Peatland vegetation Peatlands Pelagic Permafrost Phase transitions Phosphorus Phytoliths Plant allocation Plant carbon Plant diversity Plant macrofossils Plant occurences Precipitation Precipitationsheds Primary productivity PrimeSCale model Priming effect Regime shifts Respiration Rhizosphere priming Rice Root distribution SAS 2021 expedition SEM-EDS Sapwood biomass Savanna Sea surface temperature Sediment Sediment carbon Senseair CO₂ sensor Snow depth Social-ecological systems Soil Soil carbon Soil nutrients Soil organic carbon Soil properties South Africa Southeast Asia; Spatial scale Species abundance Species richness Sphagnum mosses Squid Stable isotopes Stem biomass Stomatal proxy Subarctic Sweden Sympagic TEX86 Temperate forest Terrestrial ecosystems Thailand Thaw depth Tree biomass Uk'37 Vascular plant Vegetation Vegetation carbon cycle Vegetation carbon stock WD-XRF Water management Waterbirds Wetland basins Wetland ecosystems Willow Wings XRD XRD analysis Zooplankton