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55 datasets found


Weather observations

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations

Weather observations have been made continuously at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1754. This is one of the world's longest records of...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Air pressure

Data for air pressure at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1756 are provided. Over time, different barometers have been used and measurements...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Air temperature

Data for air temperatures at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1756 are provided. The data are available both with, and without, adjustments...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Barometer observations in original units since 1756

Weather observations have been made continuously at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1754. The dataset provided here contains individual...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Daily mean air temperatures since 1756

Data for daily mean air temperatures at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1756 are provided. Three variants of the data are available: (i)...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Monthly mean air temperatures since 1756

Data for monthly mean air temperatures at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm from 1756 until 2020 are provided. The dataset also contains annual...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Observation times since 1756

This dataset provides information about the time points when weather observations were made each day (morning, noon, evening) during 1756⁠⁠ – 2018 at...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Sub-daily cloud amount since 1756

Weather observations have been made continuously at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1754. The dataset provided here contains estimated...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Sub-daily sea level pressure since 1756

Data for sub-daily sea level pressure (SLP) at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm are provided for the period 1756⁠ – 2012. Three SLP...

Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Thermometer observations since 1756

Weather observations have been made continuously at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1754. The dataset provided here contains individual air...








ACSE AGAVE expedition Active layer depth Air mass history Air pressure Air temperature Alpine Annual resolution Anoxia Aquatic biota Arctic Arctic Ocean Automated weather station Automatic bubble counter Automatic floating chamber BBL Baltic Sea Barometer Bathymetry Bats Benthic boundary layer Bhutan Biogenic Bloom Biogeochemistry Biology Biomarker Body size Bryophyte Bulk sediment Central Arctic Ocean Chemistry Chukchi Sea Climate change Climate indicator Climate indicator plant species Climate reconstruction Climate scenarios Climatic optima Cloud amount Clouds Coastal habitats Coastal oxygen Communities Concentration Continental shelf Crania Cryostratification Daily data Data visualisation Dendrochronology Diffusion Early instrumental data East Siberia East Siberian Sea Eastern equatorial Pacific Ebullution Ecosystem Environmental forcing factors Fennoscandia Figaro CH₄ sensor Fish Floating chamber Flux Food web Forest Functional traits Gas transfer model Geophysics Girjas Glacier Greenhouse gas flux Ground temperature Growing season degreee days HYSPLIT High Arctic Himalayan Spruce Historical Holocene Homogenized data Hypoxia Ice shelf melting Ice-ocean modelling Ice-off Ice-on Icebreaker Oden Instrumental temperature data Interactions Internet of things IoT Jämtland Kara Sea Kebnekaise Khibiny Kola Peninsula Lacustrine Lake Lake Tarfala Lake ice Lake ice phenology Lake temperature Landscape abundances Landscape change Landscape unit Laptev Sea Late Miocene Lateglacial Light-absorbing Lihtti Limnology MXD Map Marine Geology Marine sediment Maximum temperature Mean temperature Meteorology Methane Methane isotopes Microbiology Microclimate Micrometeorology Microsensor Mine pollution Mineral dust Mineralogy Minimum temperature Monomictic Monthly data Monthly maximum temperature Monthly mean air temperature Monthly minimum temperature Morphology Multi-proxy Multibeam Museum specimens OM removal Observations Oceanography Oden Organic carbon Organic matter Paleoclimate Paleoenvironment Peat Peatland Pelagic Permafrost Photo Picea spp. A. Dietr. Plant macrofossils Plant occurences Polar oceanography Precipitation Pro-glacial RCP RCS Radar image Radiosonde Reconstruction Regional climate models Regional ocean modelling Relative humidity Ring width SAS 2021 expedition SWERUS-C3 SWERUS-C3 expedition Sample depth Scandinavia Scots pine Seafloor morphology Sediment Senseair CO₂ sensor Shallow inshore areas Short wave radiation Silicon Snow depth Southern Sweden Spatial scale Squid Stable isotopes Stockholm Stream water Subarctic Subsea permafrost Sulfur isotopes Summer temperature Surface energy budget Sweden Sympagic TRW Tarfala Tarfala Research Station Temperature Temperature proxy Temperature reconstruction Terrestial biota Thaw depth Time series Topoclimate Trace gas Tree rings Tree-rings Turbulence Under-ice Vascular plant Vertical mixing Video Water quality Water temperature Water temperatures Weather Weather observations Weather station Wind direction Wind speed Wings XRD analysis Yedoma Zooplankton iButton