55 datasets found
Grids of monthly minimum and maximum temperatures are presented at 25 m resolution for a boreal forest area of ~16 000 km2 in central Sweden (including parts...
High spatial resolution (50 m grain-size) gridded maps of 10 years period (2000-2010) of monthly means, min and max temperature, and a map of Growing Degree...
This dataset contains monthly mean air temperatures from Tarfala Research Station, acquired since 1965 and updated annually. For the years 1946 – 1964,...
This dataset contains monthly mean air temperatures from Tarfala Research Station, acquired since 1965 and updated annually. Tarfala Research Station (TRS),...
Historical documentary sources, reflecting different port activities in Stockholm, are used along with the instrumental temperature record to derive a...
Ongoing climate change is a complex problem and communicating it to a general audience often requires short and simple explanations. Warming stripes refer to...
Weather observations have been made continuously at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1754. This is one of the world's longest records of...
Data for air pressure at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1756 are provided. Over time, different barometers have been used and measurements...
Data for air temperatures at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1756 are provided. The data are available both with, and without, adjustments...
Weather observations have been made continuously at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1754. The dataset provided here contains individual...
Data for daily mean air temperatures at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1756 are provided. Three variants of the data are available: (i)...
Data for monthly mean air temperatures at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm from 1756 until 2020 are provided. The dataset also contains annual...
This dataset provides information about the time points when weather observations were made each day (morning, noon, evening) during 1756 – 2018 at...
Weather observations have been made continuously at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1754. The dataset provided here contains estimated...
Data for sub-daily sea level pressure (SLP) at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm are provided for the period 1756 – 2012. Three SLP...
Weather observations have been made continuously at the old astronomical observatory in Stockholm since 1754. The dataset provided here contains individual air...
Emitted bubble, methane (CH₄) and carbon dioxide (CO₂) at water surface were measured by an automatic bubble counter (ABC) equipped with a pressure sensor...
This dataset provides measurements of the bubble flux of methane (CH₄), a strong climate forcing trace gas, to the atmosphere from three subarctic lakes...
This dataset provides concentration measurements of dissolved methane (CH₄), a strong climate forcing trace gas, in the water column of three subarctic lakes...
This dataset provides measurements of the diffusive flux of methane (CH₄), a strong climate forcing trace gas, to the atmosphere from three subarctic lakes...
Water temperature measurements in three small post-glacial subarctic lakes (Inre Harrsjön, Mellersta Harrsjön, Villasjön) surrounding the Stordalen Mire, 9...
This dataset provides measurements of water temperature recorded in the glacier-proximal arctic-alpine Lake Tarfala in the Kebnekaise Mountains, Northern...
Multibeam bathymetry from areas in the central Artic Ocean with a main focus on the Gakkel Ridge. High-resolution bathymetry data are commonly used to...
Multibeam bathymetry from areas in the East Siberian Arctic Ocean and adjacent deep waters off the continental shelf. More specifically, mapped areas include...
The SWERUS-C3 (Swedish – Russian – US Arctic Ocean Investigation of Climate-Cryosphere-Carbon Interactions) expedition was carried out during the summer of...
The Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) 2021 expedition was carried out during summer 2021 in the Arctic Ocean, covering a large area including parts of the Amundsen...
This dataset contains measurements on the water column chemistry, rates of dissolved silicon exchange between sediments and the water column, and amorphous...
The dataset consists of 3 sets of total 613 benthic profiles with a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sonde positioned at the seafloor in the benthic...
This data set consists of morphological measurements of museum specimens of bats collected in Sweden over a 180 year time period. Three bat species were...
At the core of this dataset are the values of climate optima for 146 plant species at different spatial scales. The climate variables are growing degree days,...
This monitoring dataset contains information on ground temperature and thaw depth, and meteorological parameters (air temperature, summer precipitation and...
This dataset contains information on ground temperature, late season thaw depth and snow depth variability within a permafrost peatland in northern Sweden. The...
This dataset contains the measured values of loss of ignition (LOI), residual elemental carbon and identified minerals from peat composite sub-samples...
The dataset provides a compilation of published and unpublished plant micro- and macrofossils from 15 sites across Denmark and southern Sweden. The...
This dataset provides a list of 62 different climate indicator plant species together with their minimum July temperature requirements. For each plant...
The dataset contains temperature and relative air humidity measurements from 203 microloggers that were installed near the ground across the central Swedish...
The dataset contains temperature measurements from 117 microloggers that were installed near the ground across the central Swedish forest. The loggers recorded...
Dated Himalayan spruce chronology measurements with a resolution of 0.001 millimeters. The measurements are cross-dated and stored in decadal format.
Sample depth and regional curve standardization (RCS) index data based on tree-ring width (TRW) measurements in a tree-ring chronology from Scots pines (Pinus...
An April to September temperature reconstruction for the period AD 1107–2007 based on tree-ring maximum density (MXD) from Jämtland in central Sweden.
A temperature reconstruction for the period AD 500–2004 based on tree-ring maximum density (MXD) at Tornetrask in northern Sweden.
An annual temperature reconstruction, in degrees centigrade, produced from a 638 year long Himalayan spruce chronology. The chronology is a composite...