12 datasets found
7-day backward trajectories from along the ship track of the Swedish icebreaker Oden during the ARTofMELT (Atmospheric Rivers and the Onset of Arctic Melt)...
7-day backward trajectories from within a circle around the ship track of the Swedish icebreaker Oden during the ARTofMELT (Atmospheric Rivers and the Onset of...
7-day forward trajectories from along the ship track of the Swedish icebreaker Oden during the ARTofMELT (Atmospheric Rivers and the Onset of Arctic Melt)...
7-day forward trajectories from within a circle around the ship track of the Swedish icebreaker Oden during the ARTofMELT (Atmospheric Rivers and the Onset of...
Backward trajectories from along the ship track, with Swedish icebreaker Oden during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition in the central Arctic Ocean, August and...
This dataset was created for a study that investigates the effect of closing the Arctic-Atlantic gateway in a coupled climate model of the Eocene-Oligocene...
This repository provides files to setup the MIT General Circulation Model (MITgcm, Mid 2020 Version) and run a set of experiments. The experiments run can...