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35 datasets found



Cloud radar data from expedition ARTofMELT, Arctic Ocean, 2023

Measurements of clouds were obtained from the RPG-Radiometer Physics RPG-FMCW-94 Doppler cloud radar deployed on the roof of a container on the 4th deck of the...

Ice station micrometeorological data from expedition ARTofMELT, Arctic Ocean, 2023

Surface fluxes of momentum, and sensible and latent heat over the sea-ice, and other micrometeorological variables are derived from fast response (20 Hz)...

Micrometeorological data from an ice-floe adjacent to an open lead during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

Air-sea fluxes of momentum, heat and CO₂, associated micrometeorological and mean meteorological and ocean surface variables. Fluxes are derived from fast...

Navigation, meteorological and surface seawater data from the Arctic Ocean 2016 expedition

Measurements from icebreaker Oden’s navigation, meteorological and surface seawater systems from the Arctic Ocean 2016 (AO2016) expedition to the central...

Navigation, meteorological and surface seawater data from the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition

Measurements from icebreaker Oden’s navigation, meteorological and surface seawater systems from the Arctic Ocean 2018 (AO2018, also referred to as...

Navigation, meteorological and surface seawater data from the SWERUS-C3 Arctic Ocean expedition in 2014

Measurements from icebreaker Oden’s navigation, meteorological and surface seawater systems from the SWERUS-C3 expedition to the Eastern Arctic Ocean in July...

Water vapor isotopic (δ¹⁸O, δ²H) observations from expedition ARTofMELT, Arctic Ocean, 2023

This dataset contains 5-minute resolution processed water vapor isotopic (δ¹⁸O, δD, deuterium excess) measurements made during the expedition ARTofMELT...

Weather and navigation data from the high-Arctic ASCOS expedition 2008

The Icebreaker Oden's weather station was mostly located on the 7th deck about 27 m above sea level, on top of the bridge. Sensors were distributed over the...





AO2018 ACAS ACSE AO16 AO18 AO2016 AO2018 ARTofMELT ARTofMELT 2023 expedition ASCOS Aerosol eddy covariance fluxes Aerosol vertical profiling Aerosols Air temperature Air-sea exchange Air-sea interaction Arctic Arctic Ocean Arctic Ocean 2016 Arctic Ocean 2018 Arctic boundary layer Arctic clouds Arctic greening Arctic warming Atmosphere Atmospheric boundary layer Atmospheric profiles Atmospheric stability BVOC Baltic Sea Bathymetry Bioaerosols Biogeochemistry Biology Biomarker Carbon dioxide Central Arctic Ocean Chemistry Chukchi Sea Cloud Condensation Nuclei Cloud radar Cloud residuals Cloudnet Cloudnetpy Clouds Coastal habitats Communities Diffusion EC-Earth East Siberian Sea Ecosystem Eddy covariance Environmental forcing factors Feedback Fish Floating chamber Flux Food web GCVI Gas transfer model Gialova lagoon Greece Greenhouse gas High Arctic Humidity ISSS-2020 Ice Nucleating Particles Ice station Icebreaker Oden Kara Sea Lake Laptev Sea Lidar Longwave radiation Marine Geology Marine sediment Meteorology Methane Microbiology Micrometeorological data Micrometeorology Mid-Holocene Mixed-Phase Clouds Model simulation Multibeam Navarino Environmental Observatory Nitrogen NorESM2 Oceanography Oden Organic carbon Pelagic Position and speed Precipitation Radar Doppler velocity Radar backsactter profiles Radiosonde Radiosoundings Regional climate models Relative humidity Remote sensing Remote sensing of clouds and fogs SAS 2021 expedition SSP SST SWERUS-C3 SWERUS-C3 expedition Salinity Sea ice Sea ice cover Sea spray aerosols Sea surface temperature Sea-ice loss Seawater temperature Sediment Shallow inshore areas Shared socioeconomic pathways Ship log Ship navigation Shortwave radiation Solar radiation Squid Subarctic Summer Surface energy budget Surface fluxes Surface temperature Surface water Svalbard Sympagic Synoptic Arctic Survey Temperature Trace gas Turbulence Vegetation feedback Water depth Water isotopes Water temperature Water vapor Water vapour Weather observations Weather station Weather stations Wind Wind direction Wind profilers Wind speed Zeppelin Zooplankton