[{"name":"andren-2024-gamlebyviken-microfossil-1","title":"Siliceous microfossil data from Gamlebyviken, Swedish east coast, for the last 3000 years","summary":"This dataset consists of siliceous microfossil counts (mainly diatoms) and concentrations (absolute abundance), from a 494 cm long splice sediment record (core EL18-SH01-03) from the Gamlebyviken estuary, Swedish east coast (Baltic Sea). \r\n\r\nThe sediment was collected in August 2018 at a water depth of 55 m and covers approximately 3000 years. \r\n\r\nChanges in diatom assemblages are used as a proxy to reconstruct environmental conditions and climate change over time. Concentration data is primarily used as a proxy for paleoproductivity.","citations":"Andr\u00e9n, E, Vinogradova, O, L\u00f6nn, M, Belle, S, Dahl, M, Palm, V, Katrantsiotis, C, Nielsen, AB, Jakobsson, M, R\u00f6nnby, J, Andr\u00e9n, T (2024) Modern land use changes drive shifts in nutrient cycling and diatom assemblages in the Baltic Sea coastal zone: A millennial perspective with a case study from Gamlebyviken, Swedish east coast. Quaternary Science Reviews 346, 109058. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1016\/j.quascirev.2024.109058","comments":"Coordinates of the sampling site: 57\u00b0 51.690\u2019 N, 16\u00b0 26.913\u2019 E","category":"Marine","subcategory":"Microfossil","keywords":"Diatom stratigraphy; Siliceous microfossil; Eutrophication; Surface water salinity; Baltic Sea coastal zone; Gamlebyviken; Baltic Sea; Research vessel Electra","scientist":"Elinor Andr\u00e9n, Thomas Andr\u00e9n","firstname":"Elinor","lastname":"Andr\u00e9n","address":"School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies; S\u00f6dert\u00f6rn University","postalcode":"SE-141 89","city":"Huddinge","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Paleoclimate > Ocean\/lake records > Microfossils","location":"Continent > Europe > Northern Europe > Scandinavia > Sweden","progress":"","language":"English","project":"This research was carried out in the project \"SEASIDE\" made possible through funding from the Foundation of Baltic and East European Studies, grant number 3146-3.1.1-2017","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"","access":""}]