[{"name":"borgstrom-2017-geomorphology-1","title":"Geomorphology and exposure datings in west-central Sweden","summary":"Geomorphological maps and a dataset of 50 cosmogenic exposure datings of paleo landforms and paleo surfaces from the following sites: L\u00e5ngfj\u00e4llet, Fulufj\u00e4llet, St\u00e4djan-Nipfj\u00e4llet, Vedungfj\u00e4llet, S\u00e5nfj\u00e4llet, Gl\u00f6tesv\u00e5len and Vemdalsfj\u00e4llen. Exposure age range 8\u2013112 ka.","citations":"","comments":"The purpose and intention of cosmogenic dating in this study was to obtain information about exposure ages of boulders and outcrops on diagnostic landforms to provide guidance on the analysis of landform age. The samples were taken from various landforms, both in terms of formation and expected age. A total of 50 samples were collected for dating, almost all from quartz-rich boulders. A few samples were taken in quartz-rich outcrops and a few are from granitic blocks. The result of the laboratory work is given in an excel sheet. A geomorphological mapping with sampling sites and exposure ages is presented in eight maps. The mapping is based on air photo interpretation in color infrared images and field studies. Laboratory work and analysis was made 2007 by Ala Aldahan and Jim Hedfors, Department of Earth Science, Uppsala University and G\u00f6ran Possnert, Tandem Laboratory, Uppsala.","category":"Terrestrial","subcategory":"Landforms","keywords":"Glacial geomorphology; Periglacial geomorphology; Geochronology; Geomorphological maps","scientist":"Ingmar Borgstr\u00f6m","firstname":"Ingmar","lastname":"Borgstr\u00f6m","address":"Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Land surface > Geomorphic landforms\/processes > Glacial landforms","location":"Continent > Europe > Northern Europe > Scandinavia > Sweden","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"The project was partly funded by the Swedish Geological Survey (SGU) and reported 2008.","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"None","access":"Free"}]