[{"name":"campeau-2020-mackenzie-2","title":"Water chemistry and geospatial characteristics of different sub-catchments in the Mackenzie River basin, Canada","summary":"The dataset presents a water chemistry characterisation in 19 different locations across the Mackenzie River basin collected in June 2018 and repeated samples collected in 4 different rivers (Liard, Peel, Mackenzie, Yellowknife river) between June 2019 and 2020. The dataset was collected to investigate the spatial and seasonal variations in riverine mercury and organic carbon sources across the Mackenzie River.\r\n\r\nThe water chemistry measurements include radiocarbon content of dissolved and particulate organic matter, water stable isotope ratio, optical properties of dissolved organic matter, mercury concentration and isotope ratio, and other basic water chemistry variables. Geospatial characteristics were derived for each river catchment and for the three main geological regions contained within the Mackenzie River basin (i.e. Cordillera, Interior Platform, Canadian Shield).","citations":"Campeau A, Soerensen A, Martma T, \u00c5kerblom S, Zdanowicz C (2020) Controls on the \u00b9\u2074C-content of dissolved and particulate organic carbon mobilized across the Mackenzie River basin, Canada. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 34:e2020GB006671. doi:10.1029\/2020GB006671\r\n\r\nCampeau A, Ekl\u00f6f K, Soerensen AL, \u00c5kerblom S, Yuan S, Hintelmann H, Bieroza M, K\u00f6hler S, Zdanowicz C (2021) Sources of riverine mercury across the Mackenzie River Basin; inferences from a combined Hg-C isotopes and optical properties approach. Science of the Total Environment (accepted)\r\n","comments":"\r\n\r\n\r\nRiver water samples were collected once at different locations between June 8 and June 30, 2018, beginning in the southernmost part of the Mackenzie River basin and progressing north, towards the river delta. Samples were subsequently collected at four more occasion in the Liard, Peel, Mackenzie and Yellowknife river (June 2019-2020). \r\n\r\n#### Version history\r\n\r\n##### Version 2\r\nIncludes additional data collected in 2019-2020 in Table 2 & 3, together with Hg measurements and DOM optical in Table 5 and 6 for both the spatial (2018) and seasonal data (2019-2020)\r\n\r\n##### Version 1\r\nInitial release. Containing data in four tables for the publication by Campeau et al. (2020).","category":"Terrestrial","subcategory":"Arctic carbon","keywords":"Radiocarbon; Dissolved organic carbon; Particulate organic carbon; Water stable isotope ratio; Mackenzie River; Canada; Arctic","scientist":"Audrey Campeau, Anne L. Soerensen, Karin Ekl\u00f6f, Staffan \u00c5kerblom, Shengliu Yuan, Holger Hintelmann, Magdalena Bieroza, Stephan K\u00f6hler, Tonu Martma, Christian Zdanowicz","firstname":"Audrey","lastname":"Campeau","address":"Department of Air, Water and Landscape; Uppsala University\r\n","postalcode":"SE-752 36","city":"Uppsala","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Terrestrial hydrosphere > Water quality\/water chemistry > Organic matter","location":"Continent > North America > Canada > Northwest Territories","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"Grant # 2017-00660 (P.I. Christian Zdanowicz) from Formas","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"2","constrains":"","access":""}]