[{"name":"cousins-2016-land-cover-1","title":"Historical land-cover data for 1901 in southeastern Sweden","summary":"Historical cadastral map (H\u00e4radskartan in Swedish) from the beginning of the 20th century over a 1652 km\u00b2 area in southeastern Sweden was digitised in order to compare with present-day land cover data. The historical map focus on arable fields and meadows, dwellings and to some extent grazed areas. However much of the forest at this point was grazed grassland with few scattered trees. The outland (forest) was used for collecting fire wood, charcoal burning and grazing. We found that semi-natural grassland cover decreased by over 96% in the area, being largely lost to afforestation and silviculture. Present-day deciduous forest and wetlands are primiarily situated on former grassland. These land cover changes have huge effects on plant species richness associated to managed semi-natural grasslands as the latter becomes smaller and more isolated.","citations":"Cousins, S.A.O., A.G. Auffret, J. Lindgren, L. Tr\u00e4nk. 2015. Regional-scale land-cover change during the 20th century and its consequences for biodiversity. Ambio, 44, 17, DOI:10.1007\/s13280-014-0585-9","comments":"","category":"Terrestrial","subcategory":"Land cover","keywords":"Land cover change; Sweden; Biodiversity; Historical ecology; Habitat fragmentation","scientist":"Sara A. O. Cousins, Louise Tr\u00e4nk","firstname":"Sara","lastname":"Cousins","address":"Department of Physical Geography; Stockholm University","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Human dimensions > Environmental governance\/management > Land management > Land use\/land cover classification","location":"Continent > Europe > Northern Europe > Scandinavia > Sweden","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"This work was funded by the cross-disciplinary project Ekoklim at Stockholm University to SAOC.","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"None","access":"Free"}]