[{"name":"fahrlander-2023-ramsar-1","title":"Monthly backward moisture footprints for 40 Ramsar wetland basins under potential and current vegetation scenarios, 2008\u200a\u2013\u200a2017","summary":"The dataset contains the backtracked moisture footprints of the basins of 40 selected Ramsar wetlands for a base run with ERA5 reanalysis evaporation and precipitation, and two additional runs based on evaporation and precipitation from a potential vegetation and a current land use scenario. \r\n\r\nThe dataset can be used to study the upwind moisture sources of the 40 included wetland basins under 'normal' conditions (ERA5 reanalysis), and under a potential vegetation scenario and a current land used scenario. \r\n\r\nThe data was generated to study the impact of upwind land use changes and hydroclimatic changes on selected wetland basins using the UTrack atmospheric moisture tracking database and data inputs from the ERA5 reanalysis dataset. In addition, shapefiles of the delineated wetland basins are provided as well. ","citations":"Fahrl\u00e4nder SF, Wang\u2010Erlandsson L, Pranindita A, Jaramillo F (2024) Hydroclimatic Vulnerability of Wetlands to Upwind Land Use Changes. Earth\u2019s Future 12(3). https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1029\/2023EF003837\r\n\r\nHersbach H, Bell B, Berrisford P, Hirahara S, Hor\u00e1nyi A, Mu\u00f1oz\u2010Sabater J, et al. (2020) The ERA5 global reanalysis. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 146(730):1999\u20132049. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1002\/qj.3803\r\n\r\nTuinenburg OA, Theeuwen JJE, Staal A (2020) High-resolution global atmospheric moisture connections from evaporation to precipitation. Earth System Science Data 12(4):3177\u20133188. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.5194\/essd-12-3177-2020\r\n\r\nWang-Erlandsson L, Fetzer I, Keys P, van der Ent RJ, Savenije HHG, Gordon LJ (2018) Remote land use impacts on river flows through atmospheric teleconnections. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22(8):4311\u20134328. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.5194\/hess-22-4311-2018","comments":"The data was generated to study the impact of upwind land use changes and hydroclimatic changes on selected wetland basins ([Fahrl\u00e4nder et al. 2024](https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1029\/2023EF003837)) using the UTrack atmospheric moisture tracking database by [Tuinenburg et al. (2020)](https:\/\/doi.org\/10.5194\/essd-12-3177-2020) and data inputs from the ERA5 reanalysis dataset ([Hersbach et al. 2020](https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1002\/qj.3803)) and from [Wang-Erlandsson et al. (2018)](https:\/\/doi.org\/10.5194\/hess-22-4311-2018).\r\n\r\nSimon Fahrl\u00e4nder was also affiliated with the Department of Physical Geography and Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, when the dataset was created.","category":"Atmosphere","subcategory":"Precipitation","keywords":"Moisture tracking; Precipitationsheds; Wetland basins; Land use change impacts","scientist":"Simon Felix Fahrl\u00e4nder, Lan Wang-Erlandsson, Agnes Pranindita, Fernando Jaramillo","firstname":"Simon","lastname":"Fahrl\u00e4nder","address":"Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK); Member of the Leibnitz Association","postalcode":"14412","city":"Potsdam","province":"Brandenburg","country":"Germany","parameters":"Earth science > Biosphere > Terrestrial ecosystems > Wetlands","location":"Geographic Region > Global Land","progress":"","language":"English","project":"The Baltic Sea Centre, Stockholm University and the Swedish Research Council (VR) Project 2021\u201305774 have funded this study. S.F.F. acknowledges financial support from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (BG-Water Project and the Global Commission on the Economics of Water). L.W-E. acknowledges financial support from Formas (Project Governing atmospheric water flows, 2019-01220), the European Research Council (Project Earth Resilience in the Anthropocene, the ERC-2016-ADG 743080), and the IKEA foundation.\r\n","publisher":"Zenodo","version":"1","constrains":"","access":""}]