[{"name":"johansson-2023-soil-1","title":"Soil properties along a cropland to grassland conversion chronosequence in northern Sm\u00e5land, Sweden, 2021","summary":"This dataset includes soil texture, bulk density, organic matter, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, aluminium, and iron content, resulting from field sampling undertaken in summer 2021 in northern Sm\u00e5land, Sweden, and GIS analysis made in spring 2022.\r\n\r\nThe original purpose of the data was to explore the effect of time since conversion, and catenary position on soil organic carbon storage, when soils experience a conversion from cropland to grazed grassland. The catenary position was characterized by the studied sites' topographic wetness index (TWI), a soil moisture proxy produced through GIS analysis.","citations":"","comments":"The roles of the data creators are: Data collection and preparation for the sampling and lab analysis (Johansson, Livsey, Manzoni), discussions for the campaign planning (Hugelius) and data interpretation (Guasconi, Lindborg).\r\n\r\nThe data are provided \"as is\". In case of errors or inconsistencies, please notify the contact person [Stefano Manzoni](mailto:stefano.manzoni@natgeo.su.se) immediately.\r\n\r\nAlso, Stefano Manzoni would welcome a notification when the data are used for any research project or publication.","category":"Terrestrial","subcategory":"Soil","keywords":"Soil organic carbon; Topographic wetness index; Catenary postion; Soil nutrients; Chronosequence; Soil texture; Soil bulk density; Cropland to grassland conversion; Land use","scientist":"Anna Johansson, John Livsey, Daniela Guasconi, Gustaf Hugelius, Regina Lindborg, Stefano Manzoni","firstname":"Stefano","lastname":"Manzoni","address":"Department of Physical Geography; Stockholm University","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Land surface > Soils","location":"Continent > Europe > Northern Europe > Scandinavia > Sweden","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"This project was partly supported by the Bolin Centre for Climate Research (Research Area 7).","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"","access":""}]