[{"name":"mansanarez-2019-hydrology-1","title":"Measured river data and estimated rating curve uncertainties for Nybro and R\u00f6\u00e5n hydrological stations in central Sweden","summary":"The dataset includes combined topography and bathymetry, vegetation roughness surveys and water-surface slope surveys available at the two stations. Data were measured in October 2013, April 2014 and May 2016. Related rating curve (discharge versus water level) uncertainty results were estimated through the application of the RUHM framework (Rating curve Uncertainty estimation using Hydraulic Modelling) for the current valid rating-curve stability period. This framework is based on hydraulic modelling and Bayesian inference and used a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to explore the posterior distribution of the parameters of interest by random sampling in a probabilistic space. Estimated rating curve uncertainty results from this exploration are provided as the maximum posterior (MAP) rating curve result and as MCMC rating curve results for the different randomized simulations.","citations":"Mansanarez, V., Westerberg, I.K., Lam, N. and Lyon, S.W. (2019). Rapid Stage-Discharge Rating Curve Assessment Using Hydraulic Modeling in an Uncertainty Framework. Water Resoures Research. (in review)\r\n\r\nLam, N. (2017). Modeling rating curves from close-range remote sensing data. Application of laser and acoustic ranging instruments for capturing stream channel topography (Doctoral dissertation). Stockholm University, Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm, Sweden. http:\/\/urn.kb.se\/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-142135","comments":"The research project was managed by Ida K. Westerberg (IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Stockholm) and Steve W. Lyon (Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University and The Nature Conservancy, New Jersey, USA). The rating curve results were generated by Valentin Mansanarez (Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University). River data (Lam, 2017) were measured by Norris Lam (Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University). The RUHM framework (Mansanarez et al. 2019) uses gaugings and stage records datasets of the Nybro and R\u00f6\u00e5n stations. They are available upon request to the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (smhi@smhi.se). The RUHM framework executable is available for research purposes upon request (ida.westerberg@ivl.se).","category":"Lacustrine","subcategory":"Hydrology","keywords":"Rating curves; RUHM framework; Nybro; R\u00f6\u00e5n","scientist":"Valentin Mansanarez, Ida K. Westerberg, Norris Lam, Steve W. Lyon","firstname":"Valentin","lastname":"Mansanarez","address":"Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Terrestrial hydrosphere > Surface water > Discharge\/flow","location":"Continent > Europe > Northern Europe > Scandinavia > Sweden","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"This work was supported by the Swedish research council Formas (Project Number 942\u20132015-321)","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"None, but please cite Mansanarez et al. (2019) and Lam (2017)","access":"Free"}]