[{"name":"manzoni-2018-cue-1","title":"Carbon use efficiency from organisms to ecosystems","summary":"Numerous definitions of carbon use and carbon storage efficiency (CUE and CSE, respectively) have been proposed to characterize how much of the carbon entering a biological or biogeochemical compartment remains in that compartment, as opposed to being lost via respiration or physical transport processes. This dataset includes CUE or CSE estimates for five systems: individual plants, soils, watersheds, non-vascular vegetation, and food webs. All data have been collated from literature sources in 2017-2018. The data can be used to compare the efficiencies of carbon retention across systems, or how efficiencies vary within a system as a function of environmental conditions and carbon exchange rates. ","citations":"Manzoni S., \u010capek P., Porada P., Thurner M., Winterdahl M., Beer C., Br\u00fcchert V., Frouz J., Herrmann A. M., Lindahl B. D., Lyon S. W., \u0160antr\u016f\u010dkov\u00e1 H., Vico G., and D. Way (2018). Reviews and syntheses: Carbon use efficiency from organisms to ecosystems \u2013 Definitions, theories, and empirical evidence. Biogeosciences 15, doi:10.5194\/bg-15-5929-2018","comments":"CONDITIONS FOR USE:\r\nAs a condition for the use of this database, we request that all users agree that:\r\n1) Full citation to the main article Manzoni et al. (2018, Biogeosciences 15, https:\/\/doi.org\/10.5194\/bg-15-5929-2018) is provided when using the dataset.\r\n2) This dataset is a collection of published data. Thus, full citation of the original articles (reported in the Supplementary Information) has to be provided when using data from individual species or sources. \r\n3) The lead author S. Manzoni should be notified when the dataset is used in any publication or derivative work.\r\n\r\n\r\nDISCLAIMER:\r\nThe data points have been obtained from tables and digitalized figures, and in some cases subsequently analyzed, in the most accurate and reproduceable way. However, complete accuracy cannot be guaranteed and data are made available \"as is\". The authors of this dataset are thus not responsible for damages resulting from its use or interpretation in any derivative work.","category":"Terrestrial","subcategory":"Soil","keywords":"Carbon use efficiency; Carbon storage efficiency; Soil organic carbon; Plant carbon; Sediment carbon; Microbial biomass carbon; Respiration; Primary productivity","scientist":"Stefano Manzoni, Petr \u010capek, Philipp Porada, Martin Thurner, Mattias Winterdahl, Christian Beer, Volker Br\u00fcchert, Jan Frouz, Anke M. Herrmann, Bj\u00f6rn D. Lindahl, Steve W. Lyon, Hana \u0160antr\u016f\u010dkov\u00e1, Giulia Vico, Danielle Way","firstname":"Stefano","lastname":"Manzoni","address":"Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Biosphere","location":"Geographic Region > Global","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"Scaling carbon-use efficiency from the organism- to the global-scale. Funding was provided by the Bolin Centre for Climate Research (Research Area 4) and by the Swedish Research Councils Formas (2015-468) and VR (2016-04146 and 2016-06313).","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"Please follow the conditions stated under Comments.","access":"Free"}]