[{"name":"manzoni-2020-gialova-1","title":"Hydrology and water quality data from the Gialova lagoon, Greece, 2016\u2060\u200a\u2013\u200a\u20602018","summary":"This dataset contains time series of meteorological parameters (precipitation, air temperature and relative humidity, wind speed, atmospheric pressure, solar radiation), water quality parameters (temperature, salinity), and water depths of the Gialova lagoon, Peloponnese, Greece. The data are contained in a single spreadsheet including mean (or cumulative) daily values for each measured parameter.\r\n\r\nThe data were collected to assess changes in water quality and quantity in the Gialova lagoon \u2014 an ecologically important ecosystem under significant stress due to limited freshwater inputs. The data were used to constrain a coupled hydrologic-salt balance model to quantify hydrological flows in and out of the lagoon.\r\n\r\nThe data were collected in and around the Gialova lagoon from March 2016\u2060\u200a to January 2018. Meteorological data are obtained from a single meteorological station located at the southwest corner of the lagoon and were gap-filled using data from other nearby stations (one located 5 km east of the lagoon, and one at Methoni, 16 km south of the lagoon). Water quality data are representative of the whole lagoon, and are based on a combination of high-frequency point measurements and low-frequency spatially distributed measurements.","citations":"Manzoni S, Maneas G, Scaini A, Psiloglou BE, Destouni G, Lyon SW. (2020). Understanding coastal wetland conditions and futures by closing their hydrologic balance: the case of Gialova Lagoon, Greece. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (accepted for publication). Preprint discussion paper: doi:10.5194\/hess-2019-382","comments":"Please, cite the publication by Manzoni et al. (2020) when using this dataset. The lead author would also welcome to receive a notification when the data are used for any research project or publication.","category":"Lacustrine","subcategory":"Hydrology","keywords":"Precipitation; Salinity; Air temperature; Water temperature; Relative humidity; Solar radiation; Wind speed; Water depth; Gialova lagoon; Greece; Navarino Environmental Observatory","scientist":"Stefano Manzoni, Giorgos Maneas, Anna Scaini, Basil E. Psiloglou, Georgia Destouni, Steve W. Lyon","firstname":"Stefano","lastname":"Manzoni","address":"Department of Physical Geography; Stockholm University","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Terrestrial hydrosphere > Surface water > Wetlands","location":"Continent > Europe > Southern Europe > Greece","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"The authors acknowledge support from the Navarino Environmental Observatory (NEO), the EU Horizon 2020 project COASTAL (H2020-RUR-02-2017, grant 773901), the Bolin Centre for Climate Research, and the Swedish Research Councils (Vetenskapsr\u00e5det, Formas) and Sida (joint project VR 2016-06313).","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"","access":"Free"}]