[{"name":"meineri-hylander-2016-topoclimate-1","title":"High resolution topoclimate maps over Sweden","summary":"High spatial resolution (50 m grain-size) gridded maps of 10 years period (2000-2010) of monthly means, min and max temperature, and a map of Growing Degree Day. The maps cover all terrestrial ecosystems in Sweden. The dataset accounts for a comprehensive list of topographic and geographic variables that have been identified as forcing-factors for local temperature. ","citations":"Meineri E, Hylander K (2016) Fine-grain, large-domain climate models based on climate station and comprehensive topographic information improve microrefugia detection. Ecography. DOI:10.1111\/ecog.02494","comments":"This temperature dataset is suited to model climate change impacts on biodiversity, especially in regards to prediction of microrefugia. It can be used to derive climate data for any study site when the use of temperature loggers is not possible. The first author, Eric Meineri, can be reached at meineri.eric[at]gmail.com.","category":"Atmosphere","subcategory":"Temperature","keywords":"Mean temperature; Minimum temperature; Maximum temperature; Growing season degreee days","scientist":"Eric Meineri, Kristoffer Hylander","firstname":"Kristoffer","lastname":"Hylander","address":"Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences (DEEP); Stockholm University","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric temperature > Surface temperature > Air temperature","location":"Continent > Europe > Northern Europe > Scandinavia > Sweden","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"Adaptations to climate change \u2013 managing for biodiversity refugia for the northerners and stepping stones for the southerners - FORMAS project grant 2014-530","publisher":"DRYAD","version":"1","constrains":"None","access":""}]