[{"name":"oden-ao-2018-cloudnet-3","title":"Cloudnet remote sensing retrievals of cloud properties during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition","summary":"This dataset consists of a range of output products from the Cloudnet algorithm. Cloudnet combines cloud radar, ceilometer, microwave radiometer, and radiosonde profiles averaged to a common grid at the cloud radar resolution to derive a set of retrieved cloud properties. These include: (1) macrophysical properties such as cloud base and top heights, liquid and ice water paths, (2) cloud fraction, (3) microphysical particle classifications such as ice, liquid, mixed-phase, and aerosol, (4) estimates of particle effective radii, liquid and ice water contents, and precipitation rates.\r\n\r\nThe Cloudnet products are designed to be used for evaluation of weather forecast models as well as fundamental process studies of cloud.\r\n\r\nThis dataset derives from measurements made during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition on icebreaker Oden during summer 2018 (August 1\u2060\u200a\u2013\u200a\u2060September 21). Data is presented on a 30-second time base, and approximately 24 m vertical resolution.","citations":"V\u00fcllers J, Achtert P, Brooks IM, Tjernstr\u00f6m M, Prytherch J, Neely III R (2020) Meteorological and cloud conditions during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition. Atmos Chem Phys Discuss. (in review). doi:10.5194\/acp-2020-219","comments":"Please cite the article by V\u00fcllers et al. (2020) when using this dataset.\r\n\r\nDetails of the cloudnet algorithm, including technical reports can be found at [Cloudnet](http:\/\/www.cloud-net.org\/).\r\n\r\nThe underlying measurement data were collected during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition on board the Swedish icebreaker (I\/B) Oden, which was organized by the [Swedish Polar Research Secretariat](https:\/\/polarforskningsportalen.se\/en\/arctic\/expeditions\/arctic-ocean-2018).\r\n\r\n#### Version history\r\n\r\n##### Version 3\r\nInitial release.\r\n\r\n##### Version 2\r\nNot published.\r\n\r\n##### Version 1\r\nNot published.\r\n","category":"Atmosphere","subcategory":"Clouds","keywords":"Remote sensing of clouds and fogs; Cloudnet; Lidar; Cloud radar; Arctic Ocean; AO2018; Icebreaker Oden","scientist":"Jutta V\u00fcllers, Peggy Achtert, Ian Brooks, Ryan Neely III, Barbara Brooks","firstname":"Ian","lastname":"Brooks","address":"School of Earth and Environment; University of Leeds","postalcode":"LS2 9JT","city":"Leeds","province":"","country":"United Kingdom","parameters":"Earth science > Atmosphere > Clouds","location":"Ocean > Arctic Ocean","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"Arctic Ocean 2018. Measurements funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (grant No. NE\/R009686\/1). The cloud radar, lidar, HATPRO radiometer, and radiosounding system were provided by the Atmospheric Measurement & Observing Facility (AMOF) of the UK National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS). These data are part of the Arctic Climate Across Scales (ACAS) project, funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. Project PI Michael Tjernstr\u00f6m, Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University (MISU). The project was also partly funded by the Bolin Centre for Climate Research.","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"3","constrains":"","access":"Free"}]