Grace C. E. Porter, Benjamin J. Murray, Rachel M. Kirpes, Paty A. Matrai, Kerri A. Pratt Ice-nucleating particle measurements collected during the Arctic Ocean 2018 marine aerosol reference tank experiments Bolin Centre Database 2023 Datafile Atmosphere Aerosols Ice-nucleating particles MART Size-segrated aerosol Earth science > Atmosphere > Aerosols Ben Murray 2023-08-25T10:46:19+00:00 English 1 There are data for 6 samples here, each with its own `csv` file. The data appears in Mirrielees et al. and are fully discussed there. The temperature corresponds to the temperature of a droplet freezing N_INP,sample (L-1): Number of INP per liter of water sample from the droplet freezing assay. N_INP,norm (L-1 air) Number of INP per liter of air. These values are normalized to the ambient total aerosol particle concentration over the course of the MOCCHA expedition, based on the size distribution measurements in [Karlsson and Zieger (2020)]( Each file contains T, N_INP,sample and N_INP,norm for each of the six size categories form the cascade impactor. The N_INP,sample and N_INP,norm data were consistent with the backgrounds, therefore should be regarded as upper limits.