[{"name":"oden-artofmelt-2023-weather-station-1","title":"Wind, temperature, relative humidity, surface temperature and radiation from expedition ARTofMELT, Arctic Ocean, 2023","summary":"A weather station was deployed on the 7th top deck of the Swedish icebreaker Oden during the ARTofMELT (Atmospheric Rivers and the Onset of Arctic Melt) expedition in the Fram Strait pack ice during the spring transition, 8 May to 14 June of 2023.\r\n\r\nThe primary observed data include wind speed and direction, temperature, surface temperature and downwelling long- and shortwave radiation. Measurements ran continuously during the whole expedition. Additional data are added from other measuring systems due to some malfunctioning sensors and to help assess the radiation measurements.\r\n\r\nAn associated dataset, containing the raw data from the weather station alone, is available separately.","citations":"Murto S, Tjernstr\u00f6m T, Karalis M, Prytherch J (2024) Wind, temperature, relative humidity, surface temperature and radiation from expedition ARTofMELT, Arctic Ocean, 2023 \u2014 raw data. Dataset version 1. Bolin Centre Database. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.17043\/oden-artofmelt-2023-weather-station-raw-1","comments":"##### Measurement system\r\nThe data was obtained from a weather station with multiple sensors:\r\n- Gill 2D sonic anemometer (wind direction and speed)\r\n- Rotronic aspirated TRH for temperature and relative humidity\r\n- Vaisala PTU pressure sensor (for air pressure)\r\n- Eppley Precision Infrared Radiometer (PIR; downwelling and net longwave radiation)\r\n- Eppley Precision Spectral Pyranometer (PSP; downwelling shortwave radiation)\r\n- Two Heitronics KT15 infrared (IR) sensors mounted on the port side (heated) and starboard side (non-heated) of the rail (surface temperature)\r\n\r\nThese main instruments of the weather station are located at approximately 25 m above sea level, whereas additional sensors used in the corrections include measurements from the PWD22 present weather sensor (~27 m above sea level), CL31 ceilometer (~25 m above sea level), HATPRO radiometer (~20 m above sea level) and from an additional aspirated TRH sensor located on the foremast of Oden (~20 m above sea level).\r\n\r\nSeveral specific conditions influence this data (see the [`Readme_WX.txt`](data\/oden-artofmelt-2023-weather-station-1\/Readme_WX.txt) file):\r\n* At the beginning of the expedition, the portside surface temperature sensor developed noise due to water creeping into the electronics. This was repaired 22\u2060\u200a\u2013\u200a\u206024 May. The published data has been cleaned up but some problematic data may remain.\r\n* Towards the end of the expedition a fan malfunctioned on the Rotronic TRH sensor on the foredeck mast. The weather station is equipped with the same sensor, and this was moved to the foredeck mast on 8 June, hence the primary temperature and relative humidity measurement on the weather station is lacking from thereon. Merged (total) temperature and relative humidity time series were constructed using other from nearby sensors; these time series are also supplied for reference.\r\n* Measuring downwelling radiation on ship is difficult, especially for solar radiation due to shading from the superstructure. A number of methods are applied to safeguard the quality of these observations. Shading risks are flagged, and liquid water path (from the HATPRO radiometer) and cloud fraction (from the CL31 ceilometer) are also included to facilitate judging when the solar radiation might have been dominated by diffuse radiation and hence shading is no problem. Finally, a calculated clear-sky radiation using RRTM and sounding profiles is supplied as a reference.\r\n\r\n##### Associated raw data\r\nThe raw data, from which this dataset is derived, was created by [Murto et al. (2024)](https:\/\/bolin.su.se\/data\/oden-artofmelt-2023-weather-station-raw-1) and is available separately. The current dataset is the concatenation of the original raw files on the native time scale and also averaged into 1 min, 10 min and 20 min averaging periods to accommodate users. The processing is a complex process involving different types of code and calculations, also including ingesting measurements from other instruments. The codes for this is therefore not available. Contact the data creators for more information.\r\n\r\n##### Data creators' roles\r\nThe instrument system was continuously logging and was monitored by the Meteorology team onboard Oden:\r\n- Sonja Murto (operator and dataset creator)\r\n- Ian Brooks (WP lead)\r\n- Michail Karalis (operator)\r\n- Michael Tjernstr\u00f6m (chief scientist; operator)\r\n\r\nJohn Prytherch (also Stockholm University) is responsible for the instrument system.\r\n\r\n##### The expedition\r\nData were collected during the ARTofMELT 2023 expedition on board the Swedish icebreaker Oden, which was organized by the [Swedish Polar Research Secretariat](https:\/\/www.polar.se\/en\/expeditions\/previous-expeditions\/arctic\/artofmelt-2023\/) from 8 May through 14 June, 2023.","category":"Atmosphere","subcategory":"Weather observations","keywords":"Weather observations; Wind; Wind speed; Wind direction; Temperature; Relative humidity; Surface temperature; Shortwave radiation; Longwave radiation; Arctic; Arctic Ocean; Meteorology; Atmosphere; ARTofMELT; ARTofMELT 2023 expedition; Icebreaker Oden","scientist":"Sonja Murto, Michael Tjernstr\u00f6m, Michail Karalis, John Prytherch","firstname":"Sonja","lastname":"Murto","address":"Department of Meteorology; Stockholm University","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Atmosphere","location":"Ocean > Arctic Ocean","progress":"","language":"English","project":"ARTofMELT expedition in spring 2023. This dataset was collected with instruments that are part of \"Oden as a National Infrastructure\", funded by the Swedish Infrastructure Council (RFI: 2021-00153). The project ARTofMELT was funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR: 2022-03052).","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"","access":""}]