[{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@type":"Dataset","identifier":"https:\/\/doi.org\/10.17043\/oden-lomrog-2012-bathymetry-1","@id":"https:\/\/doi.org\/10.17043\/oden-lomrog-2012-bathymetry-1","name":"High-resolution bathymetry data from expedition LOMROG III, Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean, 2012","description":"Multibeam bathymetry from areas in the central Arctic Ocean, around the North Pole and along the Lomonosov Ridge towards Northern Greenland.\r\n\r\nHigh-resolution bathymetry data are commonly used to study, for example, general seafloor geology, glacial morphology, bottom habitats, and bottom current activities. The data were collected from Swedish icebreaker Oden during the Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland (LOMROG III) 2012 expedition.\r\n\r\nThe bathymetry is acquired with a multibeam echo-sounder. The data are provided in the form of a compiled Digital Terrain Model with a grid cell size of 100 m. The processing of the raw data was carried out using the Qimera software by QPS.","url":"http:\/\/bolin.su.se\/data\/oden-lomrog-2012-bathymetry-1","keywords":["Marine","Bathymetry","Geophysics","Arctic Ocean","Bathymetry","Seafloor morphology","Multibeam","LOMROG III expedition","Icebreaker Oden","Earth science > Oceans > Bathymetry\/seafloor topography > Bathymetry"],"creator":{"@type":"Person","name":"Richard Gyllencreutz, Niki Andersen, Francis Freire, Nina Kirchner, Rezwan Mohammad, Richard Pedersen, Morten S\u00f8lvsten"},"citation":"Jakobsson M, Mayer LA, Bringensparr C, Castro CF, Mohammad R, Johnson P, Ketter T, Accettella D, Amblas D, An L, Arndt JE, Canals M, Casamor JL, Chauch\u00e9 N, Coakley B, Danielson S, Demarte M, Dickson M-L, Dorschel B, Dowdeswell JA, Dreutter S, Fremand AC, Gallant D, Hall JK, Hehemann L, Hodnesdal H, Hong J, Ivaldi R, Kane E, Klaucke I, Krawczyk DW, Kristoffersen Y, Kuipers BR, Millan R, Masetti G, Morlighem M, Noormets R, Prescott MM, Rebesco M, Rignot E, Semiletov I, Tate AJ, Travaglini P, Velicogna I, Weatherall P, Weinrebe W, Willis JK, Wood M, Zarayskaya Y, Zhang T, Zimmermann M, Zinglersen KB, (2020) The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean Version 4.0. Scientific Data 7:176. doi:10.1038\/s41597-020-0520-9","license":"https:\/\/opendatacommons.org\/licenses\/by\/","isAccessibleForFree":true,"includedInDataCatalog":{"@type":"DataCatalog","name":"Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm University","identifier":"https:\/\/bolin.su.se\/data\/","url":"https:\/\/bolin.su.se\/data\/"},"distribution":{"@type":"DataDownload","encodingFormat":false,"contentUrl":"https:\/\/bolin.su.se\/data\/#Data"},"size":false,"isBasedOn":"Jakobsson M, Mayer LA, Bringensparr C, Castro CF, Mohammad R, Johnson P, Ketter T, Accettella D, Amblas D, An L, Arndt JE, Canals M, Casamor JL, Chauch\u00e9 N, Coakley B, Danielson S, Demarte M, Dickson M-L, Dorschel B, Dowdeswell JA, Dreutter S, Fremand AC, Gallant D, Hall JK, Hehemann L, Hodnesdal H, Hong J, Ivaldi R, Kane E, Klaucke I, Krawczyk DW, Kristoffersen Y, Kuipers BR, Millan R, Masetti G, Morlighem M, Noormets R, Prescott MM, Rebesco M, Rignot E, Semiletov I, Tate AJ, Travaglini P, Velicogna I, Weatherall P, Weinrebe W, Willis JK, Wood M, Zarayskaya Y, Zhang T, Zimmermann M, Zinglersen KB, (2020) The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean Version 4.0. Scientific Data 7:176. doi:10.1038\/s41597-020-0520-9","temporalCoverage":"2012-07-31\/2012-07-31"}]