Pauline Snoeijs-Leijonmalm, SAS-Oden 2021 Scientific Party General metadata from expedition SAS, Arctic Ocean, 2021 Bolin Centre Database 2023 Datafile Marine Expedition Arctic Ocean Central Arctic Ocean Ecosystem Oceanography Chemistry Biology Marine Geology Food web Communities Fish Squid Zooplankton Microbiology Sympagic Pelagic Sediment Icebreaker Oden SAS 2021 expedition Earth science > Oceans Pauline Snoeijs Leijonmalm 2023-03-30T13:35:45+00:00 English 1 The dataset comprises four `xlsx` spreadsheet files accompanied by a `pdf` document containing the SAS science and implementation plan. ##### Expedition logbook The file `SO21-expedition-logbook-221106.xlsx` contains the following data sheets: 1. Detailed explanations of all variables in the other sheets 2. Overview of the 60 sampling stations with geographic map 3. All 271 device operations (sampling procedures) performed with date, time, geographic position, depth, etc. 4. Duration ship stations 5. Duration and geographic positions helicopter stations 6. Times when multibeam, sub-bottom profiler and EK80 hydroacoustics were turned on and off The device operations are described in detail in the Expedition Report. ##### Ice station logbook The file `SO21-icestation-logbook-221106.xlsx` contains the following data sheets: 1. Detailed explanations of all variables in the other sheets 2. Overview of all ice stations with geographic map 3. The all 16 SAS ice stations with date, time, geographic position, depth, etc. 4. Details of the 4 SAS ice stations visited by helicopter 5. Field measurements of ice cover and air, ice, and water temperatures measured in the field 6. Metadata for the 316 ice cores taken during the expedition, including date, time, geographical position, ice thickness, freeboard, core length, snow depth, sampling device, etc. 7. Minimum, maximum, and average ice thickness, freeboard, core length, snow depth for each SAS ice station 8. Ice core temperature and salinity profiles for each SAS ice station (with graphs) 9. Temperature and salinity measured in the field of ice-habitat water (brackish brine, ice-seawater interface, melt pond), sampling device, etc. 10. Details of sampling and melting snow samples 11. Details of sampling and melting ice samples The sampling procedures are described in detail in the Expedition Report ##### OMICS metadata The file `SO21-omics-metadata-220118` contains the following data sheets: 1. Detailed explanations of all variables in the other sheets 2. Filtration data for the 900 SAS OMICS DNA samples for 16S, 18S, and metagenome analyses 3. Filtration data for the 600 SAS OMICS RNA samples for metatranscriptome analyses 4. Filtration data for the 126 SAS OMICS "MIME" DNA and RNA samples ("MIME" project on the expedition) 5. Filtration data for the 49 SAS OMICS "VIRUS" DNA and RNA samples ("VIRUS" project on the expedition) 6. Filtration data for the 60 SAS OMICS sediment cores for 16S, 18S, and metagenome analyses 7. Filtration data for the 9 SAS OMICS air samples for 16S, 18S, and metagenome analyses The OMICS collaboration, sampling and filtration procedures are described in detail in the Expedition Report. ##### Ship data The file `SO21-shipdata-30min-220118.xlsx` contains the following data sheets: 1. Detailed explanations of all variables in the other sheets with geographic map of sampling stations 2. Average ship positions calculated for 30 min. intervals along the expedition route 210725 – ⁠210918 3. Graph average latitude along the expedition route 210725 – ⁠210918 4. Graph average longitude along the expedition route 210725 – ⁠210918 5. Graph average ship speed along the expedition route 210725 – ⁠210918 6. Graph average wind speed along the expedition route 210725 – ⁠210918 ##### SAS science and implementation plan The file `SAS-science-plan.pdf` contains a 36-page document that explains the Synoptic Arctic Survey pan-Arctic research program. The Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) is a bottom‐up, researcher driven initiative that seeks to define the present state of the Arctic Ocean and understand the major ongoing transformations, with an emphasis on water masses, the marine ecosystems and the carbon cycle. The SAS field work consisted of a multinational coordinated engagement of research vessels in the summers of 2020-2022 to jointly address the Arctic Ocean. The goal of SAS is to generate an unmatched dataset that allows for a complete characterization of Arctic Ocean hydrography and circulation, organismal and ecosystem functioning and productivity, and carbon uptake and ocean acidification. The Swedish SAS-Oden 2021 expedition was organised by the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat (SPRS) in collaboration with the participating scientists. The infrastructure (ship time) was financially supported by the SPRS, the EFICA Consortium (EU) and the ARICE Consortium (EU). Within SAS, icebreaker Oden covered an area with challenging ice conditions. The OMICS collaboration is a joint effort carried out jointly by all biological projects on-board the expedition, including sampling, deep sequencing of the samples at the [National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI)](, SciLifeLab, Sweden, and publication of the results. The goal of this collaboration is to achieve a full metagenomic (taxonomic) and metatranscriptomic (gene expression) biodiversity record of water-column, sea ice, and sediment habitats along the expedition route. The metagenomic and metatranscriptomic datasets can later be used for exploring e.g., specific taxonomical groups, specific metabolic pathways and environmental DNA (eDNA) of invertebrates, fish, mammals and birds. See more information about the expedition at the [Swedish Polar Research Secretariat](