[{"name":"rocha-2019-regime-shifts-1","title":"Regime shifts database \u2013 large persistent changes in ecosystem services","summary":"The regime shifts database collects and synthesise information about regime shifts around the world. Regime shifts are large, persistent changes in the function and structure of ecosystems. Currently over 30 regime shifts are described, over 300 case studies by reviewing over 1000 scientific papers.","citations":"Biggs R, Peterson GD, Rocha JC (2018) The Regime Shifts Database: a framework for analyzing regime shifts in social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society 23(3):9. doi:10.5751\/ES-10264-230309\n\nRocha JC, Peterson G, Bodin \u00d6, Levin S (2018) Cascading regime shifts within and across scales. Science. 362, 1379\u20131383. doi:10.1126\/science.aat7850\n\nRocha JC, Peterson GD, Biggs R (2015) Regime Shifts in the Anthropocene: Drivers, Risks, and Resilience. PLOS ONE 10(8):e0134639. doi:10.1371\/journal.pone.0134639","comments":"The dataset archived is the same version used in Rocha et al. (2018). Thus, the version of the database is as 2017. The database is under continuous development and future version might look different from the archived one. To access the latest version of the database, you can download it from www.regimeshifts.org.\r\n\r\n\r\nData citation at figshare: Rocha, Juan; D. Peterson, Garry; Bodin, \u00d6rjan; Levin, Simon (2018): Cascading regime shifts within and across scales. figshare. Fileset. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.6084\/m9.figshare.7265096.v1\r\n\r\n\r\nAn earlier version, as used in Rocha et al. (2015), is also available at figshare. Citation: Rocha, Juan; Biggs, Reinette; Garry Peterson (2015): Regime Shifts in the Anthropocene Dataset. figshare. Fileset. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.6084\/m9.figshare.1472951.v1","category":"Terrestrial","subcategory":"Ecosystems","keywords":"Ecosystems; Terrestrial ecosystems; Marine ecosystems; Social-ecological systems; Regime shifts; Critical transitions; Phase transitions","scientist":"Juan Rocha, Garry D. Peterson, \u00d6rjan Bodin, Simon Levin, Reinette Biggs","firstname":"Juan","lastname":"Rocha","address":"Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Biosphere > Terrestrial ecosystems","location":"Continent","progress":"In progress","language":"English","project":"FORMAS grant 942-2015-731","publisher":"figshare","version":"1","constrains":"Please cite Biggs et al. (2018)","access":"Free"}]