Sebastian Scher Global weather forecast data with model EC-Earth — ensemble dataset for historical and future conditions Bolin Centre Database 2019 Datafile Atmosphere Circulation Climate model Weather forecast Ensemble simulations Earth science services > Models > Atmospheric general circulation models Sebastian Scher 2019-08-27T13:59:19+00:00 English 1 None The dataset includes 153,404 files in NetCDF format, together amounting to ca 8.1 TiB of data. The data are structured in six levels: (1) all data; (2) historical/future; (3) variable; (4) year; (5) month; (6) individual file.</p> <p> Variables: 2-metre temperature (2t), Mean sea level pressure (msl), Temperature (t), Total precipitation (tp), U component of wind (u), V component of wind (v), Geopotential (z).</p> <p> 2D-variables (2t, msl, tp) have a grid of 160 latitudes x 320 longitudes.</p> <p> 3D-variables (t, u, v, z) have a grid of 240 latitudes x 480 longitudes x 3 pressure levels (850 hPa, 500 hPa, 300 hPa).</p> <p> The spectral resolution of the weather forecast model is T159.</p> <p> Each file contains 10 members, of which each has 11 daily snapshots valid at 12:00 UTC. The first timestep is the initial field (forecast-lead-time zero). The individual members represent different possible evolutions of the weather over the 10 days of the forecast.</p> <p> Parameter units: msl [Pa], u [m/s], v [m/s], 2t and T [K], z [m²/s²], tp [m]