[{"name":"schwarz-2023-soil-1","title":"Soil properties in semi-natural forests and paddy fields along a soil age gradient in northern Piedmont, Italy, 2021","summary":"This dataset includes soil texture, bulk density, pH, and contents of organic carbon (bulk soil and density fractions), total nitrogen (bulk soil and density fractions), and pedogenetic iron and aluminium oxides, resulting from field sampling undertaken in autumn 2021 in northern Piedmont, Italy.\r\n\r\nThe purpose of the data was to explore the effect of land cover and soil age on soil carbon stocks. Land covers considered were rice paddies (cultivated for more than 30 years) and remnant semi-natural forests. Soil types ranged from ancient terrace alfisols to younger inceptisols.\r\n","citations":"Schwarz, E., Johansson, A., Lerda, C., Livsey, J., Scaini, A., Said-Pullicino, D., & Manzoni, S. (2024). Organic carbon stabilization in temperate paddy fields and adjacent semi-natural forests along a soil age gradient. Geoderma, 443(116825), 116825. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1016\/j.geoderma.2024.116825","comments":"The roles of the data creators are: field campaign planning and sampling (Schwarz, Livsey, Scaini, Manzoni), laboratory analysis (Schwarz, Johansson, Scaini, Lerda, Said-Pullicino), data interpretation (Schwarz, Said-Pullicino, Manzoni).\r\n\r\nThe data are provided \"as is\". In case of errors or inconsistencies, please notify the contact person [Stefano Manzoni](mailto:stefano.manzoni@natgeo.su.se) immediately.\r\n\r\nAlso, Stefano Manzoni would welcome a notification when the data are used for any research project or publication. When using the data please cite the above paper by Schwarz et al. (2024) as well as the dataset as indicated in the citation above.","category":"Terrestrial","subcategory":"Soil","keywords":"Soil organic carbon; Rice; Organic matter; Soil iron oxides; Soil aluminium oxides","scientist":"Erik Schwarz, Anna Johansson, Cristina Lerda, John Livsey, Anna Scaini, Daniel Said-Pullicino, Stefano Manzoni","firstname":"Stefano","lastname":"Manzoni","address":"Department of Physical Geography; Stockholm University","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Agriculture > Soils > Carbon","location":"Continent > Europe > Southern Europe > Italy","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"This research was funded by the joint Vetenskapsr\u00e5det, Formas, and Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) call (grant number VR 2016-06313) and the Bolin Centre for Climate Research.","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"","access":""}]