[{"name":"tarfala-kirchner-2017-bathymetry-1","title":"Bathymetry of Lake Tarfala, northern Sweden","summary":"The bathymetry of Lake Tarfala, located in a pro-glacial high alpine environment in the Kebnekaise mountains, northern Sweden, was mapped in September 2016. The mapping was made with an autonomous surface vessel, \u201cANKA\u201d, designed to map shallow, uncharted waters. The survey had two objectives: (i) to acquire a modern bathymetric dataset of Lake Tarfala that can serve as a reference for future investigations of the lake dynamics. (ii) to test ANKA\u2019s robustness, performance and endurance in a subpolar environment. The dataset includes a comparison with data from an earlier survey conducted in 1959.","citations":"Autonomous bathymetric mapping of Lake Tarfala, Arctic Sweden. Kirchner, N., Kuttenkeuler, J., Strandell Erstorp, E., Rosqvist, G., Wennbom, M., Karlin, T. Arktos (in review)","comments":"Pro-glacial high alpine lakes, like Lake Tarfala, potentially hold preserved sediment archives revealing changes in climatically forced glacier activity and ecosystems. Here, we present the first modern bathymetric dataset of Lake Tarfala, containing more that 38000 depth-soundings. The ANKA dataset replaces the previously best-available dataset, published in 1960 from 257 depth-soundings conducted in 1959. A comparison of the two datasets shows that the map constructed from the 1960 data is surprisingly accurate despite it lacks exact GPS positioning, but that the position of single features, e.g. the deepest point of the lake, depends on the spatial resolution of the bathymetric map. The bathymetric dataset from Lake Tarfala presented here is shared with the community with the aim to provide base data useful in future studies of the lake, as well as to inspire for further autonomous mapping campaigns in sparsely monitored high northern latitude lakes.\r\n\r\n\r\nProject partners\n\n\nJakob Kuttenkeuler, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, jakob[at]kth.se\n\n\nNina Kirchner, Stockholm Universtity (SU) and KTH, nina.kirchner[at]natgeo.su.se\n\n\nElias Strandell Erstorp, KTH, eliasse[at]kth.se\n\n\nGunhild Rosqvist, SU, ninis.rosqvist[at]natgeo.su.se. \n\n\n\n\n\nVideo from mapping campaign\n\n\nAutonomous Hydrographic Mapping at KTH","category":"Lacustrine","subcategory":"Bathymetry","keywords":"Autonomous hydrographic mapping; Bathymetry; Lake Tarfala","scientist":"Jakob Kuttenkeuler, Nina Kirchner","firstname":"Nina","lastname":"Kirchner","address":"Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Terrestrial hydrosphere > Surface water > Lakes","location":"Continent > Europe > Northern Europe > Scandinavia > Sweden","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"Autonomous bathymetric mapping of Lake Tarfala, Sweden","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"None","access":"Free"}]