[{"name":"tarfala-kirchner-2023-lake-temperature-1","title":"Water temperatures from the arctic-alpine Lake Tarfala (Darf\u00e1lj\u00e1vri), Northern Sweden, 2019\u200a\u2013\u200a2020 and 2021\u200a\u2013\u200a2022","summary":"This dataset provides measurements of water temperature recorded in the glacier-proximal arctic-alpine Lake Tarfala in the Kebnekaise Mountains, Northern Sweden. \r\n\r\nThese data were collected in order to investigate Lake Tarfala's thermal state and its cryostratification patterns, and in relation to its ice-phenology (ice-off and ice-on) as observed from time lapse imagery.\r\n\r\nWater temperatures were acquired between September 2019 and September 2020, and between September 2021 and August 2022. Measurements were taken in the central and deepest part of the lake, at water depths ranging between 2 m and 40 m, every 15\u200a\u2013\u200a30 minutes. During 2021\u200a\u2013\u200a2022, subsurface water pressure was also measured. Importantly, this dataset contains year-round measurements, starting in the ice-free season, continuing through the ice-covered season, and transitioning into the ice-free season again. Under-ice measurements can be challenging, as illustrated by the 2020\u200a\u2013\u200a2021 loss of instruments and all data stored on them, causing a yearlong gap in the dataset which itself is a continuation from records spanning the years 2016\u200a\u2013\u200a2019. ","citations":"Kirchner, N., Weckstr\u00f6m, J., Jansen, J., Schenk, F., Barnett, J., Granebeck, A., Lepp\u00e4ranta, M., Korhola, A. 2023. Water temperature, mixing and ice phenology in the arctic-alpine lake Darf\u00e1lj\u00e1vri (Lake Tarfala), northern Sweden. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research (in revision)\r\n\r\nKirchner, N., Kuttenkeuler, K., Rosqvist, G., Hancke, M., Granebeck, A., Weckstr\u00f6m, J., Weckstr\u00f6m, K., Schenk, F., Korhola, A., Eriksson, P., 2021. A first continuous three-year temperature record from the dimictic arctic-alpine Lake Tarfala, northern Sweden. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 53:1, 69-79, DOI: 10.1080\/15230430.2021.1886577\r\n","comments":"The support of our co-workers on the Arctic Avenue activity Lake thermal and mixing dynamics under changing climate (J. Weckstr\u00f6m, K. Weckstr\u00f6m, A. Korhola, F. Schenk, A. Granebeck) is gratefully acknowledged. Tarfala Research Station staff, especially Torgny Lundberg and Martin Houssais, are thanked for support in the field. The dataset is a continuation of earlier measurements, see [tarfala-kirchner-2020-lake-temperature-1](https:\/\/bolin.su.se\/data\/tarfala-kirchner-2020-lake-temperature-1). ","category":"Lacustrine","subcategory":"Hydrology","keywords":"Cryostratification; Observations; Lake Tarfala; Tarfala; Lake ice; Water temperatures; Under-ice; Lake ice phenology","scientist":"Nina Kirchner, Joachim Jansen","firstname":"Nina","lastname":"Kirchner","address":"Department of Physical Geography; Stockholms universitet","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Cryosphere > Snow\/ice > Lake ice","location":"Continent > Europe > Northern Europe > Scandinavia > Sweden","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"The data were collected as part of a project within the Arctic Avenue Spearhead Research project between Stockholm University and the University of Helsinki, Finland, running between 2019 and 2022. It has contributed to this work through activity Lake thermal and mixing dynamics under changing climate. Additional sensors were provided by Joachim Jansen as part of the Swedish Research Council funded project BigOx (grant no. 2020-06460).","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"","access":""}]