[{"name":"zhang-2023-holocene-vegetation-1","title":"Mid-Holocene and pre-industrial climate data from EC-Earth3 and LPJ-GUESS models to study vegetation-climate feedback","summary":"The dataset contains selected output data from the simulations for a study on vegetation-climate feedback on temperature changes in East Asia. We use the CMIP6 version of the earth system model EC-Earth, with a coupled dynamic vegetation model LPJ-GUESS.\r\n\r\nWe conducted two climate model simulations using the coupled dynamic vegetation configuration (EC-Earth3-veg-LR), and another two using the configuration without dynamic vegetation (EC-Earth3-LR), for the pre-industrial (1850 CE) and mid-Holocene (6000 years before present) periods, respectively. The boundary conditions for pre-industrial and mid-Holocene are following the PMIP4 protocol.\r\n\r\nWe also performed six simulations using the offline LPJ-GUESS, driven by the atmospheric variables from EC-Earth3-Veg-LR simulation. These sensitivity experiments aim to isolate the effects of precipitation and temperature changes by systematically increasing precipitation and adjusting temperature values based on the pre-industrial simulation.\r\n\r\nThis dataset illustrates the distribution of vegetation during the mid-Holocene and pre-industrial period, and the climate change in East Asia due to vegetation-climate feedback between the two periods.","citations":"Chen J, Zhang Q, Lu Z, Duan Y, Cao X, Huang J, Chen F (2023) Reconciling East Asia's Holocene temperature discrepancy through vegetation-climate feedback. Submitted to Communications Earth & Environment.\r\n\r\nZhang Q, Berntell E, Axelsson J, Chen J, Han Z, de Nooijer W, Lu Z, Li Q, Zhang Q, Wyser K, Yang S (2021) Simulating the mid-Holocene, last interglacial and mid-Pliocene climate with EC-Earth3-LR, Geosci. Model Dev. 14:1147\u2060\u200a\u2013\u200a\u20601169. doi:10.5194\/gmd-14-1147-2021\r\n\r\nNational Geophysical Data Center (1993) 5-minute gridded global relief data (ETOPO5). National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA. doi:10.7289\/V5D798BF","comments":"Detailed information on model experiment setup and evaluation for mid-Holocene and pre-industrial simulations with EC-Earth3 can be found in Zhang et al. (2021).\r\n\r\nMore information of the climate model simulations can also be found in the related dataset [Simulations for mid-Holocene and pre-industrial climate with EC-Earth3 model \u2014 selected data for a study on vegetation feedback](https:\/\/bolin.su.se\/data\/zhang-2022-holocene-vegetation-1).\r\n\r\nFor the other variables in simulations beyond this research, please contact [Qiong Zhang](mailto:qiong.zhang@natgeo.su.se).","category":"Atmosphere","subcategory":"Climate simulation","keywords":"Mid-Holocene; Preindustrial; Vegetation feedback; EC-Earth; LPJ-GUESS","scientist":"Qiong Zhang, Jie Chen","firstname":"Qiong","lastname":"Zhang","address":"Department of Physical Geography; Stockholm University","postalcode":"SE-10691","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science services > Models > Coupled climate models","location":"Geographic Region > Global","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"This study was made within a research project funded by the Swedish Research Council VR (Vetenskapsr\u00e5det). \"Simulating the Green Sahara with an Earth System Model\", project number 2017-04232, period 2018-2022, PI: Qiong Zhang.","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"","access":""}]